25 ~ They Will Never Know [ANGST]

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Bahahahaa I guess I wanted to torture you all today. Love y'all. :)

TW: Forgotten; Magic; Torture; Time Paradox; Time Collapse; Self sacrifice; Death, but not in the typical way;


Grian teared up as he stared through the magic. Scar laid unconscious just beyond the purple magic that swirled quickly around him. Grian couldn't hear his own thoughts over the roaring wind that followed the swirling magical power.

Grian let his tears fall and he smiled. Scar will never know, none of them will. Grian looked forward at the point of the magic, the runes that were etched around the Watcher Symbol were strong enough. The runes glowed a bright red, and the Watcher Symbol started to crack. The server around him began to Glitch, and each player was kicked one by one by the Server mainframe, those closest to him first.

Grian bit back a sob as more tears fell. They would never know...

His family would never know about him...


Xisuma held his head as he stared out over the world. Where were they? What happened? X looked back at his players, most of the players were unconscious with few being awake and just as confused as he was. No one was visibly injured, but he... Why were they here? And what happened?

Xisuma glanced over everyone, but had to look again. Gem, Pearl, Scar, False, Zed, Impulse, Joe, Cleo, Tango, Mumbo, TFC, Doc, Ren, Stress, Bdubs, Cub, Hypno, Beef, Wels, xB, Iskall, Etho, Jevin, Keralis. That's every hermit. But... why does he feel like it's not everyone? Was he thinking of adding someone before they woke up here?

Probably. He did go looking for two new members for eight but only came back with one, so maybe that's what feels off. X shook his head as he pulled his admin comms unit out. The server was already named? Season Nine? Season eight was really short then, and why did they get thrown here without his knowledge?


Grian stared at the sky as the final day came. The desert sand itched under his wings, and the sand beneath his fingernails did anything but help relieve the unending itch. Scar's laughs echoed in the sand below, and he barely kept himself from looking down. It would just make him cry, and Scar wouldn't believe him again.

Grian couldn't change the fate of this world. He couldn't change the fate of any of these worlds. Third life would always end with Scar and Grian against anyone, and then Grian killing Scar and jumping; Last Life would always end with Scar alone, the Southlands fractured, and Scott winning; Double Life would always end with Big B and Grian cheating on their true soulmates, Scar crying, Ren angered, and the Warden killing Grian.

Grian tried to change the fates. He'd not talked with Big B on the day he proposed the secret soulmates, not bringing the creeper to Scar, not conning a life from Scar, not letting Scar wonder who his soulmate is by ignoring anyone and doing the drip stone earlier, not blowing up the red army, not leaving Scar alone. But that resulted in the world reseting each time he changed any of his previous actions. He didn't even need to talk much anymore, the other players would come to the conclusions they made previously. Grian just needed to be present and do the same actions he did previously.

He needed to redo the things that haunted him over and over again. But he would gladly kill Scar a million times and hate himself for the rest of eternity, to keep them in the dark. To keep the other hermits safe. To keep Scar safe. Safe from the Watchers, safe from the games, safe from the memories, safe from Grian.

"Grian, do you think we should go after Etho?" Scar asked, suprising the blonde. Grian turned and nodded. The shirtless man stared at Grian with his blood red eyes, Grian felt a smile ghost his lips.

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