17 ~ The Card Villian

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TW: Implied torture; Kidnapping;


Why am I this way? I just wrote out 60+ writing prompts for my best friend so they could use it in their writing club. And I want to write them all.
Also I don't know if I can even join the club cause I'm in online school.


The guards in the Hero agency, along with some heroes, absolutely adored a small hidden cafe near one of the worst places in the city. The owner was a short blonde named Grian, who could've ran the streets with how much the gangs, local criminals, civilians, and police respected him.

But the short blonde ran a cafe with a bookstore. The blonde had rules everyone abided by, and one of them being no fighting on his block. The cafe was a place they deemed a place they deemed to negotiate any offers between Heroes and Villains. It was special to them all.

The barista never asked about their jobs or powers, only treating them all nicely - whatever the job or position in life - and making some comments about the city he grew up in. Most were soft and just him saying he wasn't from the area, others being that his hero agency were corrupt and his villians were pure evil, and only the Vigilantes were for the people.

Not much was known about the barista. The main fact was that Grian was married, but no one knew who his spouse was. The second was that he had dabbled in Vigilantism in his home city, only really knocking out muggers.

But, there was also a major problem.

Grian was targeted by the Villians and Heroes who would rather die then ever negotiate with the others. And reluctantly, Grian closed his cafe and told each side that cared for him, he was in the other's safehouse.

When they figured out Grian had lied, it was much too late. Grian had already disappeared, the only evidence he existed being the small cafe book store that was closed until further notice.


Grian sat in his desk chair as he watched the fight from the Eastern district get worse. He honestly didn't care, the Heroes were getting beat and that just reminded him how much he'd been restraining himself in his recent fights with the Heroes.

Arms wrapped around his neck, and he glanced up. His annoyed expression turned soft and joyful as he stared up at his lover.

"Hey." Grian greeted, icy blue meeting bountiful green.

"Hey." Scar smiled down from where he was bent over Grian.

"Your home early." Grian raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were robbing that rich kid?"

Scar smirked. "I decided it was unfair with the fight going on. Besides, who wouldn't love seeing their lover and partner in crime watching the heroes fight?"

Grian smiled soft as he looked at Scar, the sky smirk almost made Grian forget how this memory ended. But he forced his eyes open as soft tears ran down his cheeks.

Grian frowned as he stared at the wall of his office. Jellie and Pearl sat judging him from their perches on his bookshelf, Maui probably trying to eat the plants again.

Grian sighed as he sat up, be for stretching. As his back popped, he glanced to where his computers were. He stood up quickly as he rushed to one of the screens. A villian he hadn't seen since his own Villian Days was fighting Voidwalker.

A Villian he had been hunting down since Scar...

Grian felt an evil smirk find its place on his lips, and he grabbed the deck of cards from his desk. Picking out the joker, he felt his magic flood through the card and then over himself.

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