21 ~ Ľappel Du Vide

449 23 1

The call of the void.

TW: What If, thoughts; Disassociation; Gore; Suicidal Thoughts/Behavior; Torture; Mutilation; R@pe, it's only a kiss and implied, don't worry :) ; Abuse; Depersonalization; Objectification; Depersonalization (?);


X was concerned. Several members of Hermitcraft were reporting that after the hole to the void in Boatem, the call of the void had been occurring in the Overworld, as well. While, the call of the void was a common occurrence, and it was the reason people had to enter the End in pairs or groups.

But now, there were hermits being effected by the call in the Overworld. The hermits' Ľappel Du Vide was far worse then other servers, but X was more diligent than other admins about keeping all of the sensual-omnipotent races out.

Xisuma sighed before xe walked to the Boatem pole. Doc had done a rush job of patching the hole, but it didn't work. There was never meant to be holes to the void under the Overworld.

What if I jump into the void? What would they do then?

X shook xemself before looking to the radar in the top corner of his visor. That's pointing... the end portal? Why was a Watcher's presence even being shown in xyr radar without freaking out the firewall?

X looked back down at the bottom of the Boatem Hole, before looking at the radar. And why was the Watcher attempting to lure X? Admins are immune to the transformation spells of the Enderian race, and with xem already being a Void Walker, xe had double immunity.

"Your going after what's causing the void calls, aren't you?" Pearl's voice was hoarse and harsh. Turning to look at the owl, xe stared in confusion. Pearl looked like she'd had a rough few days, with her puffy red eyes staring at X.

"...Pearl? Are you alright?" Xisuma walked to the owl and held onto Pearl's shoulders.

"I... Just some nightmares... But, you are going to find the source of the call, right?" Pearl asked.

"...I am." Xisuma agreed. "Why?"

Pearl stared at X. "...I think I have an idea of who the Watcher is..."

"What?" Xisuma asked, staring at Pearl.

"...I... I'm an owl and a Lunar child... A few nights ago, I saw a vision of a Watcher. And the voice the call is using for me, is that of a missing friend..." Pearl sighed and looked down to the previously open hole to the void. "...I'd like to go with, X... I need to know if it's him or not."

Xisuma stared softly at Pearl. "...and if it's not him?"

Pearl teared up, but looked up to X. "Then I'll help you get rid of the Watcher."

Xisuma sighed before turning and walking towards spawn. "Come on. I'll open a portal to the outer islands in Spawn."


The Watcher lay motionless on the floor, the obsidian swords in its chest pinning it to the endstone walls. Purple and red blood soaked his clothes, and was dry on the dusty floor. However, the swords weren't the reason the Watcher was wincing and trying not to flinch at the unending pain in its body. No, the wincing, flinching, and silent sobs were from the fact its wings were pinned to the wall using tens of knives.

The gold, black, and deep iridium purple clothed Watcher approached its broken and bruised body.

"Does this remind you of your childhood, Xeqlua?" Ciramel, the more sadistic of the two Watchers spoke, grabbing one of the swords and wiggling the sword out of its body.

The Watcher smiled sadistically as it wheezed and fell limp against its restraints. They watched in delightful, and horrifying, glee as the blood poured from the severed lung and the muscle knitted itself back together. The blood poured from its mouth as the Watcher stabbed their daggar into the broken Watcher's broken and scarred throat.

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