14 ~ TM/MHM ~ The Beginning

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TW: Cheating; Threats; Segs; Sensory Overload;


Grian glanced to Taurtis and Sam as the lights dimmed. The two were making out, and it would've felt less painful for a knife to stab through his heart. A loud voice played over the many speakers in the mansion, making Grian tear up.

"The next game will begin, please return to your room."

Grian frowned and stood up. Taurtis sighed heavily and exaggerated, Sam jumped up happily as he realized the game was going to be beginning once again.

"You screw up this game like the last, and you'll be dead." Taurtis said, glaring at Grian.

Grian's gaze fixed itself to the floor and rubbed his arm. He walked to his room and looked at the room in question. The lights continued to dim, but his sight wasn't effected. He walked to his bed and laid down on the soft mattress. He pulled his knees up to his chest, and looked at the framed photo on his nightstand. He closed his eyes as he began to cry.

The speakers went off again.

"Welcome to the game. There are plaques on the inside of your door explaining your role. There is a book in the nightstand that explains all rules and all roles. You are not allowed to explain what role you are, and if you do so, you will be murdered."

Grian had listened to this same speech many times.

"There are players from the last game, and they can explain some things if you are confused."

Grian scoffed mentally, because for the last ten games no one - besides Sam and Taurtis - could understand him. All because he was mute. Grian held knees tightly as the speech continued, he blocked most of it out, while he wished for the role of citizen.

As the speakers turned off, the lights brightened quickly, and Grian kept his eyes closed because of it. The speaker for his room turned on, and the words that had suprised him when he first joined rang again.

"There are noise canceling headphones, a set of blindfolds, and weighted blankets within your rooms. The noise canceling headphones and blindfolds can be found within the nightstand, and the weighted blankets in the closets. As you, and others, have sensory overload issues. I may of trapped you here in a murder game, but I'm not a monster."

Others in this game had sensory overload issues too?

Grian found himself doubting it, but he stayed laying down for as long as he could. A loud set of knocking made him frown and get up. He fiddled with his sweater as he read the plaque.



Grian sighed mentally as his frown got larger. He opened the door and stared softly at the bunny hybrid.

"Finally!" Sam scoffed, wrapping his arms around Grian. "Come on! Me and Taurtis wanna go swimming!"

Sam let go, but pulled Grian by the ahnd to the pool. Grian followed only due to the fact Sam would murder him if he didn't. Taurtis was already there swimming na...

Grian blushed and looked away. It was 10am, not 3am. Could they not wait to be horny little bastards???

"Hey Taury!" Sam said. "Nice ass."

"Well yours is hella better then mine." Taurtis said, smirking to the bunny who quickly undressed.

Grian walked to outside the pool area and slid down the door. While it hurt, he'd rather not have people walk in on his best friends. For their dignity - if those two still have any.

After a few hours, he finally saw some of the new people.

"Oh, hello." A man in a suit said. Man? Person. Person, because Ellen wasn't a woman nor a man.

Grian waved.

"Uh... What's in-"

A particularly loud moan stopped the ravenette. Their face blushed a deep crimson red as they turn and fled.

Grian frowned as he thought. 'Take me with you.'

It was pretty quiet on the people front, he mostly zoned out to ignore the stab of pain he felt. When the pair left the pool, Sam was being held bridal style.

Grian stood up and walked behind the clothed horny bastards. They eventually got to one of the living rooms, to find some people. Grian leaned against the wall as Sam and Taurtis spoke to the people in the room.

A tall creeper cyborg hybrid leaned against the wall near him and attempted to make small talk. Grian pushed his hands into his pockets and fixed his gaze to the ground. Why attempt to communicate if you know no one will care?

"My name is Doc." They said. "You?"


And then...

"Hey G, could you go grab some towels for us?" Sam said, the glare being sharp but no one else seemed to notice.

Grian nodded to Sam's demand, and walked outside the room and towards the laundry room. He heard someone walking behind him, but he didn't react. Once in the room, he was tapped on his shoulder.

"...Do- do you mind me hanging out with you?" A white haired person asked. They had mismatched eyes - one a dark black, one a ruby red - and a ninja mask.

Grian tilted his head in confusion.

"...Uh... Sam, was it? Er, loud...?" They tried explaining, but kept failing.

Grian covered his ears, and they nodded hesitantly. Grian smiled to them, before signing something.

"I'm guessing you read sign?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"No worries."

Grian turned around and grabbed for the towels, before pointing to another basket.

"Extra weighted and soft pillows can be found in there." Grian signed, smiling as he turned to them. He remembered his first few days in this death trap were horrible, with how much sensory overload he was dealing with. "I do the laundry. So unless someone else does them, it will always be there."

"I'll pass the word to the others I know." They signed, their cheeks giving away the smile. "By the way I'm Etho."



Xisuma stared at his plaque in confusion. He was a citizen, but this entire thing was so confusing to him. And after meeting Sam and Taurtis, it was even more so.

Sam glared at the blonde as soon as Doc had tried speaking to them, but Sam seemed rudely passive aggressive towards them. They never even spoke, and from what Etho had managed to say after sensory overloading, they knew sign language and spoke more through body language then verbal.

This 'game' was going to be horrible.

As the admin he was supposed to keep everyone safe, and as a Voidwalker, it should've been easier to edit code. But he couldn't do anything.

Scar had tried using magic to free them, but instead he got blown across the room, and Cub had tried phasing through the walls but failed. Tango couldn't summon fire, and both Impulse and Pearl couldn't use their own elemental powers as dragon hybrids.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now