24 ~ A Home? What's That?

478 18 0

TW: Eating disorder; Torture; Starvation; Vomit; Sick; Self esteem issues; Kidnapping; Gore; Panic Attack;


Scar felt hungry. Pulling a piece of bread out, he tore a piece to start eating... but it didn't help at all. So Grian was hungry. Theres nothing he can really do, Grian has access to food. Grian's always been an overprepared person.

An overwhelming pain came from his stomach and he doubled over in pain. Thank void he was sitting down because it felt like he was getting cut in half. Moments passed before he felt himself gag and then the hunger grow even worse... why would Grian gag? Did he make himself gag or was it because he tried to eat something...? He didn't want to know which one it was, because both were bad.

He was about to get up to go to their base, when he felt nails dig into his sides and pure anger flow through their connection. Grian was angry? Was someone with Grian? Was that why he wasn't eating?

But no one would say anything about eating in a fight. But he felt no other pains... so Grian wasn't in a fight but...

Scar felt fear fill him as he wrapped his arms around his stomach. Void he hoped Grian wasn't doing this to himself on purpose.


Grian had felt weak all morning. After waking up alone in bed, which wasn't unusual because Scar was always either burning things or with his damned jellies, he had tried to stand only to catch himself before he hit the floor. He'd never felt so dizzy and... heavy before. It felt like he was carrying around two or three seventy pound weights.

He had stayed on the floor like that for who knows how long, drifting in and out of sleep. Eventually he felt hungar gnaw at him. It felt like he was being torn apart from the inside out, like he was drinking lava and it was flooding his body with a searing pain and itching and just painful.

He barely managed to crawl his way to the bathroom. He barely managed to lean against the cold toilet and shove his fingers as deep as they could in his mouth. Grian felt himself puke and he placed his head on the toilet seat as he tried to catch his breath. His wings shivered and shook behind him as he felt the coldness soothe him, even just slightly.

He felt his eyelids close as he let out a whimper. Then he felt nothing.


Everyone was happy when the server glitched and their names were white instead of anywhere on the stoplight spectrum. They did still notice their connections to eachother existed, but no one felt any more red haze. But...

Grian and Scar weren't anywhere to be found. Surely they would head to spawn right? Or was Grian trying to avoid X and the other Emperors and Hermits that broke onto the server? Was Scar with him?

So they went looking. But... they didn't think this is what they would look like.

Scar had a head wound that was slightly bleeding, but he was out cold and somewhat pale. Scar laid just at the base of the stairs, probably haven fallen down them. But... Grian was sickly pale with vomit remnants on his lips, he was unnaturally skinny and looked like he was dead. He had the cut on his head where Scar fell, but little blood had dripped down and stained his ghostly white skin, and his wings were ragged, dirty, and limp. Grian looked to weak to hold himself up in bed, let alone hold a sword.

When Doc picked him up, his face fell from slight concern to pure terror. Sure Avians were light, but they weren't light enough to feel like Doc was carrying five bricks. Only one thing was said before he rushed Grian to the portal and into Hermitcraft.

"I don't know how he's alive. He should be dead. Permadead."


Scar woke up on a couch. He didn't remember falling asleep in a couch, but he didn't know where he had fallen asleep.

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