327 18 10

TW: Overstimulation; Panic Attack; Trauma; Depersonalization;


Grian sighed as he looked around the room. This was going great. Grian looked down at his cup, and bit back a frown. The party was for the Emperors coming here. He didn't... Grian didn't want to be here. He wanted to be home, alone. But he was a more social hermit, he needed to show his face and pretend to like everything or they'd all be worried about him. Besides, he didn't even know what was wrong today.

Grian looked back up and started to scan the party. Timmy, Tango, Zed, Impulse, and Scott were talking with eachother near Sausage and Keralis. X, Cleo, Joey, Fwhip, and a few others he didn't have the energy to identify were talking, and a few other groups were around the tavern room both parties had worked on. He closed his eyes as the headache got worse, the loud music hurt, so he could only imagine how Timmy and Martyn would feel.

Someone was watching. Grian froze up as he noticed the many eyes on him. He glanced around and noticed Scar was looking directly at Grian. Grian immediately rose the glass to his lips and drank the rest, before walking to the door and leaving.

It was too much.

Grian tried to push the eyes away, and felt tears swell up in his eyes. He didn't want to be here. Grian found himself at the entity and staring up at his shop. He needed to restock again... Grian shook his head as his headache grew worse. He thought that leaving the party would get rid of the headache.


Bdubs stared at Scar as the brunette followed after the blonde. Something was wrong, and he had a feeling everyone knew. Grian had been flighty, fidgety, and seemed uncomfortable with his sweater. Bdubs looked over to Doc and X, and both were staring at the doorway with a few others. Grian wasn't Griany today, or really... Bdubs internally sighed as he thought about it. He didn't actually know how long Grian had been this way, most of his weird behavior had been chalked up to as loneliness because of Mumbo's break. But even then he acted weird in the latest game to.

"Hey Bdubs, can you go find Etho and Ren?" X's voice broke through Bdubs' thoughts.

"What, why?" Bdubs frowned. Were they not here? He honestly forgot they weren't. Likely due to the noise of the party, the hermits always kept it quiet when Etho and Ren were around, and tonight's party was just as quiet.

"Please?" X asked, and Bdubs froze. There was so much uncertainty and worry in his tone, that for a moment Bdubs thought he had done something to earn the disapproval look from dadsuma.


Grian sat against one of the legs of the entity as he held his head in his hands. If anything the headache was getting worse. There were too many eyes... too many...

He froze up as a hand rested on his shoulder. No. No. No.

Pearl was yelling, there were hands on his wrists, Scar's eyes were filled with horror, and Grian was covered in blood. His skin was crawling and his breath ragged. He didn't..

What was he doing?

Grian blinked as he struggled away from the arms. It felt like he was on fire. There were multiple arms keeping him restrained, and he didn't remember whose blood was covering his body. Grian went limp as he stared at the floor. The burning only got worse the more he struggled. Where was he? What was he... why was he...?

Grian was confused.

He was suddenly aware there were words being spoken, but he couldn't hear them. He couldn't hear anything, the pain in his head felt too painful. There were too many eyes. Grian clenched his eyes close as he tried to block out everything. From the pain in his head, to the sight of Scar's panic fueled sobbing, and the itchy and burning pain in his body from every point where he could tell his body existed.

Grian flinched and stiffened as he felt a hand on his head. It burned. A heavy weight sat on his head as he tried to keep his eyew closed. He didn't want to see Etho adjusting the painful reminder of headphones, nor did he want to see the scratches that littered Doc and Iskall, likely from his own talons. But he... he didn't want to see through the tears in Pearl's eyes as Keralis tried to clean where Grian had bitten her.

He justed wanted to sleep...


There was too much.

The roar of the flames, the alarms that rang around him, the burning from Iskall's and Doc's arms around him, the pain as his eyesight fractured. It was all too much.

The last thing Grian saw was Iskall pushing Grian to the ground as the talons appeared over his hands and he tried to kick Etho, and Doc grabbing what looked to be a strange tube and the burning cold of it being pressed against his neck as he fought.


It was a wreck. Doc hadn't been able to measure the proper dose of tranquilizer needed and Grian almost choked on his own spit, Iskall was nursing a hurting dignity and a few deep wounds on his arms and legs, Scar was frozen and quiet, X was blaming himself, and Pearl was trying not to sob anytime someone talked to her. And those were only the ones who refused to leave Doc's base in the past three weeks.

Grian was still unconscious, which wasn't much of a suprise. Attempting to rip your own organs out and then attacking those who get in the way even after breaking your arm and leg do that. But... no one knew what made him react that way. X had followed after Scar, Scar had only tried to comfort Grian, and instead Grian lost his absolute mind and attempted... that..


You ever watch a series because your best friend suggested it months ago and fall into a Rabbit hole and into a new fandom and find out theres a limit for characters in your writing app? (29,730 characters) Haha, yeah... I just spent 72 hours, off and on, writing a single fucking fanfic for a fandom I'm not supposed to be writing for. :(

I need a life.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, by the way.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now