15 ~ Oxygen Poisons Memories [Angst]

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TW: Past Abuse; Neglect; Yelling; SA; Deaf!Grian; OOC; Voices?; Watchers; Self Blame; Choking; Panic attack; Torture; Betrayal; Disassociation; Capture?; Swears;

HC x Evo x YHS (Implied)


Grian was one of few Hermits who kept their past a secret - with less then three Hermits knowing. Mumbo had known him before Hermitcraft, Wels had comforted him in a panic attack, and Xisuma knew the basics.

The Hermits knew one thing about Grian's past. Grian had needed a safe place, and the Universe gave him Hermitcraft.


Grian wanted to apologize. But he didn't want to make Iskall angrier then they needed, so he waited until it seemed like Iskall had stopped yelling.

"Iskall. My hearing aids are dead." Grian said.

Just as he expected, Iskall got angrier. He still couldn't understand what Iskall was saying, but his attention was snapped to Iskall's hands when the cyborg Hybrid balled up his fists.

Grian immediately took a step back and used his wings to cover his shoulders and arms.

Iskall noticed.

And finally, Grian could understand what they were saying.

"Grian? What the hell are you doing?" Grian read Iskall's lips.

"Please. I can't read lips of your yelling." Grian attempted.

"Grian why did you-" Iskall took a step forward and raised their hand.

Old instincts took over.

Grian flinched and brought his arms up to protect his face.

Iskall took a step back and lowered their arms. "Grian...?"

Grian spread his wings and ran away. The only thing he was good at was running away. Landing at his Hobbit Hole, he ran to the hidden grove behind it. Locking the door, Grian walked towards the small room he'd made behind here. Opening this door, he slid in before shutting and locking it.

He slid down the wall, and let his panic consume him. A blanket of parrot themed feathers surrounded him as he started hyperventilating.

Of course theres no place safe for him.

Of course someone would get angry enough to hit him.

Of course Grian drove people away.

Pranking people is what children do.

Your driving everyone you care about away.

Why are you even trying? No one cares for you.

Grian covered his ears as he felt tears falling down his cheeks. "Shut up."

Even the hermits would hurt you to relieve their frustrations.

"Your lying. Iskall was just..." Grian's voice cracked, as he spoke.

Just what?



"...they wouldn't hurt me..."

Are you sure?

Hasn't Doc used you for particularly violent tests, before?

Didn't Scar trap you and your silly 'resistance'?

Did Cub tell you how his Gaurdian farm worked?

Grian rested his head on his knees. "...they're different..."

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now