19 ~ An Unknown Flicker

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TW: Memory loss; Overstimulation/Panic attack; Death; Character death; Torture; Nightmares;


Grian didn't understand. First he was fighting the ender dragon, then he was surrounded by darkness, then he was on the floor with a purple light hitting him face on. There were murmurs and words coming from all around him, but he didn't understand what was going on.

His ear flicked as a hand rested on his shoulder, and he forced his eyes open. His skulk corrupted hand met his vision, but nothing further then stone.

"Grian." The first word he understood, and he frowned as he sat up and looked around.

"...what...?" Grian rubbed his eye. "Where...?"

"What are you doing back here? Didn't have enough fun the first time." A wolf hybrid growled at him.

Grian felt his face contort into confusion as he realized he was being glared at heavily, but some just looked sad. Pearl was one of the few who looked sad, but Grian couldn't remember anything he'd done. Had he pranked someone and it glitched out Evo enough for the nearby servers to be effected?

"Don't act, Gria. You know what you did." Pearl said. "You almost killed us all."


Grian felt tears swell in his eyes as he looked down. He'd almost killed someone? He forgot about it? He was just like Sam.

"Your staying with Doc. At least then you'll be under supervision." A man with black and purple armor said. Grian nodded and held his knees to his chest.

The others left, Pearl hugging a scarred brunette before leaving. Finally, only Grian and a creeper, goat, and cyborg hybrid were left in front of the portal.

Grian followed them confused. The ever growing hole towards bedrock was intimidating, but he soon grew used to it. Watching as they did redstone was hypnotic, and he found that the creeper was methodical and perfect in redstone. Grian wished he understood it.

When he got bored, he'd pull some carving knives from his ender chest and start carving something. Usually small decorative boxes that ended up being tossed into the lava near the creepers' base. He'd never been one for giving gifts to those who disliked him, he firmly believed those who disliked him wouldn't stop just because of gifts.

Besides, when they saw one of the boxes before he had the opportunity to destroy it, they were confused. Apparently in his missing memories, he had also hated doing small intricate details. Grian had spent years carving intricate details into his builds, and finding ways to hide rooms and bases within these builds, so it surprised him.

The creeper had the correct sense to keep him away from levers and buttons however, becoming anxious when Grian had pulled out a button figet toy that sounded like Grian was messing with actual buttons. Grian sure wished he was, but he just showed the figet toy, with a small explanation.

"When I get anxious or my want to cause chaos grows to big, I mess with this. Ell made it for me in high school." Grian had explained.

It didn't really click to Grian that the Creeper had started hanging around him more, until Grian nicked his palm with a carving knife and the creeper bandaged his wound. It was odd. Grian didn't understand why the creeper had been so concerned. G had hurt them, and yet they were caring for him.


Grian held his stomach as he woke up. The stabbing pain was more then enough for him to realize what was going on. G hadn't even remembered about this until now...

He felt gross as he dwelled on his reminder.

Looking across the room to the bathroom, Grian prayed the creeper had menstrual products. He really hated when he was reminded of this. Sitting up, Grian looked down at his bed. Luckily it seemed nothing had to be cleaned, other then maybe himself. He really hated this.

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