12 ~ Pushing It Down (1/3)

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TW: Sleep issues; Threats; Knives; Puke; Haphephobia;

Haphephobia is the fear of physical contact.


Everyone knew Grian was a little bit more off then the other Hermits. It was just... true. Grian seemed to know more about dodging attacks then actually successfully landing one. Grian seemed to know more about TNT then the normal person - X had accidently revealed TNT wasn't the only thing that Grian knew how to make with gunpowder, too - And Grian's sleep cycle barely existed.

It got to the point everyone was worried about their small hermit.

So Impulse began watching Grian build and trying to figure out what was going on.

The first day wasn't spectacular, Grian was... disorganized. One moment he'd be building, the next he was off to grind material for the G-Train, the next he was pranking a Hermit.

The second was slightly more concerning, as Grian had accidently taken a bite out of a peice of meat and thrown up. Grian had sat behind the bank's walls for an hour, before taking a bite of a carrot and getting back to work.

The third day, Grian had been distracted by Scar and the two pranked Cub and then Keralis. The day ended with Grian returning to his house for the first time in days.

Impulse reported what he saw to X, but left out the puking after eating meat part. He wanted to ask why himself.

So, the next morning he knocked on Grian's door.


Grian groaned and sat up at the soft knocking. He hadn't been able to sleep again last night, and who ever was here would notice.

Grian stumbled out of bed and towards the door. Opening the door he raised an eyebrow at Impulse.

"You need something?" Grian asked, yawning into the back of his hand.

Impulse nodded. "Can we talk?"

Grian groaned mentally, everytime someone said that it usually ended with someone suggesting he go to therapy. Or someone venting about their life and anytime Grian tried to help they'd say he didn't understand. Which, shocker, he did.

Grian opened the door and walked to the kitchen. He needed something to get away from the normal hugs that came with being an early bird on the Hermitcraft server. His skin crawled at the thought.

Getting out some tea bags he offered one to Impulse, who declined, saying this was going to be a short visit. Grian almost thanked the Void at the words, the sooner Impulse left, the sooner the physical contact would disappear.

Impulse talked about his candy factory while Grian made himself some tea, obviously not wanting to disturb G and his tea. Grian knew that everyone had a rule to not mess with him until after his morning tea. He still has the scars from where he shattered the tea cup in his hand and stared down X - who was, unsurprisingly, attempting to ask when the barge was going to be restocked. Honestly, Grian felt bad for the way he'd reacted. That tea cup was his favorite. And one of the ones he stole from Scar.

Placing a coated under his tea, Grian smiled to Impulse. The sooner this is over, the sooner Grian can try to sleep again.

"Um... The others and I have been really worried about you." Ah, one of those days. Shit. "So they asked me to watch you for any odd behaviors..."

Grian sighed and rubbed his shoulder. He really needed to find another sleeping position. The scar that ran down from his shoulder bone and towards his heart, no doubt laid in his mind that it was visible. His shirt was much to large for him and showed most of his collarbone.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now