20 ~ Broken Marks and Risking It

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TW: Cheating; Marks;


Leaning against Taurtis, Grian felt his eyelids drift close. His tail loosely wagged as he cuddled into the human. Taurtis giggled at the wolf hybrid, before pressing a kiss to his forehead. His tail wagged faster as he smiled and pushed against him.

My mate. His brain said. I'm safe, he's safe. I can rest...

Grian woke up to a deep overwhelming cinnamon and citrus smell. He whimpered softly as he blinked back tears.

"Hey G. Why don't you go do your chores?" Sam growled, glaring at him. "Its my turn with Taury."

Grian stood up and nodded, before running to the bathroom.

He lowered his ears as he tried to block out the sounds of Taurtis and Sam talking. Sam didn't love Taurtis, he just wanted to see Grian suffer. Taurtis loved both of them, and thought the poly relationship was agreed on.

He loved Taurtis, he'd marked him for crying out loud. He'd let him touch his hybrid features. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Taurtis, and he knew he would come to care for the other Taurtis chose, but he couldn't care for Sam.

He held his knees to his chest as he silently sobbed into his knees. But he couldn't expose Sam. There was a hierarchy in hybrids, wolves were basically slaves. If any hybrid approached them and marked them, they would have to do everything they said. And even not being marked you still had to do whatever they said. Even if mistreated, they couldn't do anything.

His collarbone burned from where Sam had marked him. A bloody knife mark. God he hated Sam.

A silent vow was made that day.

He would never let anyone see his hybrid features, and he'd figure out how to break marks. Even if it hurt him.


Grian didn't know how to react when he saw the hybrids of the Hermitcraft server. All of them had their hybrid features out and it didn't seem like they abided by the hierarchy he grew up with.

It didn't change his resolve to hide his ears and tail though. Years passed, seasons of him growing more and more comfortable with the other hermits, falling for someone and getting teased to hell and back in good faith, meeting Pearl again, starting the life series. Grian was so happy.

He was finally safe. He had a home. He had a family! He was loved.

And oh how it terrified him.

He had felt safe and lived with Taurtis and Sam. He had a home and family with Okami, Rowan, and Silly. But nothing lasted forever. His biological parents had divorced and abandoned him, Okami, Rowan, and Silly were dead, Sam wasn't safe and loved torturing him, Taurtis had grown mad and shattered Grian's mark.

Would the hermits go the same way, or would the universe torture him by making it different?

Grian absolutely hated how he wanted to come clean and explain everything to the hermits. He hated how vulnerable they made him.


Grian held the bow tightly as he glared into the darkness. Earlier, the others had tried to burn down the Jellie Sanctuary and the base. Several hours ago he'd woken up to footsteps and whispers, and he'd been shooting at anything that moved in the dark. He'd hit skeletons, zombies, a sleepwalking Bdubs, three stray phantoms, and creepers.

Most of the creepers were near the Jellies, which made it more difficult for the how. If he shot and missed, the Jellies would wake and Scar would wake. Let alone that if he missed enough, he could hurt the Jellies. Despite what he's said and how he's acted, he does care for the Panda Jellies. Scar cares for them, and Grian cares for Scar.

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