22 ~ Loving And Scared ~ KOV

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TW: Kingdom of Valor; Sexual Abuse; Torture; Miscommunication; Self Blame; Self harm; Trauma; PTSD; Apathetic; Self hatred; Sensory overload; panic attacks; Physical abuse; Mutual pinning but both are dumbarses and it ends up with Grian thinking they would be better off without him; Su!c!dal Thoughts/Behavior;


Grian hates Scar.

Grian loves Scar.

Scar loves Grian.

Scar hates Grian.

The words spoken in secret in the forest would never stop haunting him.

Sand mixed with blood would never stop haunting him.

What did they do to deserve the others hate?

Or: Grian is under the assumption that Scar hates him for what happened in the desert, and Scar is under the assumption that Grian hates him based of what happened in the forest with Big B. In reality, they love eachother more then they could admit.


Grian was confused. Most, if not all, the Hermitcraft members were glaring at him whenever they saw him. Grian sat in front of Mumbo's Vault trying to remember if he did any pranks that went too far or something. Was Doc mad about the crossbow and Dragon bit? He needed to get a charged creeper...

Grian reached a hand to his wing to start carding through his feathers. His mind was still going over every possible thing he did wrong, and unknowingly he began to pull feathers he didn't need too. Blood drops dripped down his feathers as he started to panic. Did Scar... tell them all about the desert...?

He flinched as his wing pulled away from his hand, he looked over and grimaced. His once beautiful and perfect wings were now dripping with blood as several good feathers were missing. Grian pulled his hand away and curled in on himself. He couldn't even preen his wings without hurting himself, there wasn't much suprise that he did something and it ended up hurting everyone.

If only X had heeded his warning, then the hermits wouldn't, justifiably, hate him and the Lifers wouldn't be tortured for his sins.


Scar didn't know how to feel. Ren, Pearl, and Etho had brought up Grian's actions with Big B during a server meeting, one Grian had missed, and everyone was angry on Scar's behalf. He loved Grian, the Avian was his everything. Yet, he wasn't Grian's anything.

When Grian stopped messing with people, with him, he felt his heart shatter. Grian had stopped doing pranks...

"I... I guess pranking is how I show my love. When I feel safe, or rather when my Avian side feels safe, I prank those closest to me." Grian's words rang loudly in his mind, as he stared at the floating rocks Grian called home.

Did he want to go over there and see of Grian was safe? Yes. Did he not want to because he didn't know if his heart could take it? Also yes.

Maybe Grian was just caught up with something? Like a build? Although unlikely, it's not like it hasn't happened before.

Scar forced himself to turn around and go back into his park. His heart kept breaking with each and every step, but he found himself building despite the ever growing pain and panic.


Grian's wings made him want to cry. He took pride in their beauty and perfectness, so now that they were covered in bald spots from his own preening and scars from the mobs that attacked him, he just wanted to cry and sob and just die.

Though, he didn't know if the want to die was strictly from his wings. Old whispers and urges were trying to be heard through his ever filled panic ridden brain. He couldn't take it.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now