7 ~ The Childhood He Forgot

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TW: Kidnapping; Amnesia; Abuse/Neglect (Implied); Injury;

American Golden Plover!Grian
Craftedmovie adopted Grian, or more specifically, Salted adopted Grian.


Doc messed up.

He really messed up.


He was also really confused now.

Grian had signed up to do random tests for Doc out of boredom.

Thirteen of twenty went swell. But the moment Grian began doing the tests Zed and him designed, it went to hell in a handbasket.

Number Fourteen ended in Grian on fire as he was temporarily shifted to a Blaze Hybrid.

Number Fifteen ended with Grian being soaked and his sweater ruined. (The conversation of Zed promising to replace it, ended with Grian admitting it wasn't his first sweater and he had another. [Looking into Grian's wardrobe is like looking into the matrix. A never ending supply of red sweaters.])

Number Sixteen ended with yet another sweater being destroyed and Grian having gills and a mermaid tail, as he was temporarily shifted to Merfolk.

Number Seventeen ended with a Zombified Ravager and seven broken bones and almost twenty five healing pots to heal him.

Number Eighteen ended with Etho dropping into the room extremely confused and Grian dying to a Ravager.

Number Nineteen ended with Grian genderbent for a few hours, and Grian running to Pearl. Pearl laughed, but offered a bra, which he took graciously.

Number Twenty ended with this. The previous tests hadn't continued to effected him, so this last potion was the one that caused this.

It caused Grian to turn into a five year old. Which, realistically, shouldn't have been that suprising. What was suprising, was the fact Grian looked nothing like the baby photos his family had given him.

Grian was small - but when is he not - and had dark crimson red hair, with a colorful sweater. His eyes were a soft icy blue and freckles littered the small ones' fair skin. His formerly large brown and white speckled wings were now missing.

"...uh... Zed you should probably-"

Grian turned and looked at Doc. Doc grimaced as he waited for the scream that would eventually tear from the child's throat.

Instead, Grian walked over to Doc, and did grabby hands, before happily speaking. "Jum!"

Doc hesitantly knelt down, and Grian giggled before poking the metal plate. "H-Hi G."

Grian tilted his head, before looking around. Seeing Zed, Grian pointed to him and tilted his head.

"G?" Zedaph asked. "Grian?"

"Who? I'm Xe-... X-eq..." Grian huffed, before speaking again. "Ze-qe-la. But Papa spells it x e q l u a!"

"Xeqlua...? Wasn't that...?" Zed looked to Doc confused.

"The Crafted Movie Head's kid?" Doc finished.

"Salted!" Grian said happily. "Is Nei here? Or papa?"

The two looked at eachother blankly before looking back at their gremlin. Grian was Xeqlua, or Grian was pulling a really elaborate prank. By the way Grian had guessed the name of the head correctly, despite not knowing anything about Wynncraft or Crafted Movie - Scar has talked his ear off about the Krew and Captain Sparklez, but only more Redstoner or Coders on the server knew of Wynncraft and Crafted Movie.

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