16 ~ Wings Were A Defiance [Angst]

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TW: Disassociation; Panic Attacks?; Torture; Detailed injuries; Blood; Captivity; holding hangs platonically; Nicknames; Mentioned Alcoholic Addiction; Clipping; Cutting off Wings;  Sam;


Grian wasn't one for getting drunk or really drinking any potions at all. To the point no one even knew if Grian was a Lightweight or an angry drunk when Season Seven ended.

And as they figured out, Pearl dared Grian during a server meeting, Grian isn't a lightweight and can hold his liquor a lot longer then Doc. To the point Bdubs made a joke about Grian not being human.

Yeah, Bdubs was really regretting his words right now. Instead of the Hermits' chaotic blonde, he saw a shimmer of something powerful and ancient in Grian.

He didn't completely understand.

Grian was standing outside the Magical Menagerie, large black wings extending from his small frame. Magical corruption littered his face and hands.

He was just here to say hello.

So why was Bdubs so scared.

Perhaps it was the aura of danger the seeped off Grian? Perhaps it was the emotionless eyes that were trained on him? Perhaps it was Grian's statue-like state?

"...Grian?" Bdubs called, reaching for his comms unit. "You in there buddy?"

Grian didn't reply, and Bdubs pulled his comms out before typing out a message.

Bdouble0100: Hey. Is anyone available to come to G's base? I'm not entirely sure what's going on.

Bdubs heard a noise above him before he could hit send on his second message. The anvil began falling, and he slammed his fingers down on the keyboard before hitting send.

Bdouble0100: Its like he's cosplaying a statue? But his eyes are glossed over like AFKing but asidkihddusjhshdhdh

And then it all went black.

He woke up in a cell, Grian's soft humming being what lulled him awake.

With some considerable effort, he cracked an eye open to see a mess.

It looked like a slaughter had occurred, and Grian was the main victim. Blood soaked the floor around the limp blonde, and his sweater being torn to hell. Of the many cuts, two jagged black stumps were protruding from Grian's back.

Grian was soaked in blood, his eyes closed, and a cut on his head bleeding down across his face. Grian's hand rested softly near Bdubs', and the humming being the only sign of life Bdubs could detect.

"...Grian...?" Bdubs squeaked out.

The stumps on Grian's back twitched, and Grian nearly sobbed, a pained whimper escaping was the only trace evidence, but he smiled, shakily, and stopped humming.

"...what...?" Bdubs managed, his head throbbing in pain. He needed to get closer to G, why wasn't his body moving!?

"...I'm sorry... You got dragged..." Grian's words were slow, quiet, and weak, and if Bdubs didn't know better, he'd say Grian
didn't care that he could be bleeding out. But he did know better, he knew Grian was more worried about others over himself. It was a trait that got G into a lot of trouble over the years.

Bdubs managed to extend his hand a bit and reach for Grian's. Why did Grian care so much about others, but never himself?

"G... I care for you." Bdubs' clouded and muddled brain supplied, his hand finally grabbing G's.

G's eyes opened, and Bdubs stared into the dark blue abyss in suprise. Grian's eyes were odd, most people claimed them to be blue, some claimed them black, others thought brown. Now, he understood why. Grian's eyes were the darkest hazel blue eyes he'd ever seen. In the light, they would probably seem mostly blue, but to hybrids, it would be seen a different color.

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