3 ~ Prank Gone Wrong [Angst]

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Doc finds a creeper mating pit and barely escapes. Knowing the Creepers won't think anyone else are creepers, he sets up a prank. Only to find put Grian spends far too much time around tnt and gunpowder, resulting in the creepers mistaking him as a creeper. Doc steps in and gets them both out, before taking care of the panicking blonde.

TW: KOV; R@pe; Attempted R@pe; Self harm; Panic attack; PTSD?; Mobs; Prank gone wrong. :( ; Hurt/Comfort?; Disassociation; Self Blame;

Xeqlua Grian Craft. Grian goes by his middle name and not his first, due to the fact he got his first name - Xeqlua - from the Heir to the Throne of Chaos, Xeqlua Sho Dreamon, who destroyed servers. Only those closest to him can call him that with him actually responding. Timmy, X, Mumbo, and Pearl being those.


Doc blushed as he felt the creepers pressing against his body. It was mating season for Creepers, but he wasn't too interested in having sex with them.

But full creepers were different from hybrids. They had a set of arms holding Doc between them as they chased their high. Luckily, they hadn't tried anything, just rubbing against the cyborg creeper Hybrid, but even then it felt wrong.

Letting his fingers graze into his inventory, he waited as he thought about when to pull his shield and trident out. Although he hated shields, Grian had engraved this one - and plenty others - with gunpowder as a birthday gift. Grian had always hated the idea of someone dying when he first joined, so he accepted and kept them close throughout the seasons afterwards. Whenever they talked, Grian would ask about the shields.

The shield itself was iron with Netherite reinforcements - he still wondered how Grian was able to do it, but it was likely something to due with the past he never spoke of (many hermits didn't speak of their pasts, Grian saying even less then them.) - with an engraved goat and Redstone mixed epoxy border around the flower crowned goat. (If he were Stress, Scar, Pearl, or Grian himself, he would be able to name them and what they represent. All he knows is one is perseverance, one was bravery, one was strength, and one was growth. And he only knew that because Scar started laughing at the choice of flowers.)

Pulling the shield and trident out, he stabbed the creeper infront of him before twisting it around and stabbing the hissing one behind him. He quickly pulled his rockets out, before jumping off the small ledge near him.

Activating the rocket, he flew above the creepers and to the top of the crevice he had fallen into. Landing on the solid ground, he looked down at the dark pit of moving and hissing bodies.

An idea to embarrass Ren and Gri for the prank they'd pulled on him filled his mind. It was harmless and all in good fun.

Except it wasn't.

Ren's had gone fine, a creeper pup kept playing with the werewolf's tail, resulting in Ren being embarrassed and sleepy by the time Doc got him out.

Grian's was far from what he expected.

The moment Griam had fell into the pit, the creepers took notice of him.

And the rest that he saw before stepping in horrified him.


Grian cursed under his breath at Doc. His ankle was sprained, along with cuts and scratched on his hands. His knees were scuffed up underneath his jeans, and he knew he would have to deal with a sore shoulder from how he landed.

The feeling of being watched cemented in his stomach as he realized he wasn't alone down there. Fear washed over him as he heard rustling of either one large thing, or multiple things moving in unison.

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