Chapter 5

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It was Friday night at Shots of Seoul. Jimin supposedly came in early to help clean and stock the bar for what they expected to be a busy night. In reality, Tae was stocking the bar and Jimin was staging an interrogation.

"So Tae... What do you know about Yoongi?" Jimin wondered.

"Who?" Tae replied with a sly smile.

"Don't look at me like that! You know who I'm talking about! He's here all the time."

Tae gave Jimin a boxy smile that turned into a laugh at Jimin's growing blush. "Of course I know who he is. He's been a regular for a while."

"Sooooo spill! What do you know about him?"

"Well his name is Yoongi. He loves whiskey neat from Shots of..."

"I know all of that!" Jimin interrupted impatiently. "Tell me something interesting!"

"Like what?" Tae chuckled.

"I don't know... is he a good rapper? What's his idol name? Is he dating anyone?" Jimin threw in the last question knowing it was the only one he really cared about.

"I haven't heard his music yet. He works on it here sometimes and I hear him mouthing lyrics. They're good. So yeah I'd say he's good but it's hard to know from some whispered lyrics," Tae stated matter of factly. "I also don't know his idol name. I don't know if he has one or will just use his own name."

"And the last question?" Jimin smiled.

"I don't know that either. He always comes in by himself or with his friend Namjoon. So maybe single? Are you into him?"

"I..." Jimin was cut off by a customer whistling before slurring "Hey beautiful, get me a beer."

Jimin turned around to look at the man who smiled and winked at him. "Coming right up, Alex. The Usual?"

"You got it baby," he replied.

Jimin smiled and turned around to start the draft giving Tae a here we go again look. He made the beer as quickly as he could, hoping he would go hang with some other customers. Jimin wanted to finish the conversation with his boss and new friend.

But Alex didn't walk away. He took a deep swig of his beer before wiping his mouth and talking to the new bartender again.

"So Jimin... are you single? You're so beautiful baby. I want you to be mine" the clearly older male slurred at him.

Jimin paused before replying, choosing his words carefully. "Thank you for the compliment Alex. I am single but I don't want to date customers. Mixing work with personal life is never a good idea."

"Ok...if you say so. But we would have so much fun" the man replied, trying one last time before walking away.

Jimin let out a deep sigh. Dealing with those kinds of customers made his job uncomfortable. But the money was good. He was able to go to school and pay his bills. And he had a new friend in his boss.

"You ok?" Tae asked. "Yeah, I just hate people like him. He doesn't even know me," Jimin replied with a frown.

"Don't worry about it. He's just drunk and stupid. He's not even worth you being upset over him," Tae said, trying to comfort Jimin.

"I know. I'm not worried about it. We're gonna have a great night. We're gonna laugh, sneak a few drinks, and make hella money" Jimin laughed.

"Yesss" Said Tae. "And Junkook is coming by later" Tae said while clapping his hands and showing his best boxy smile.

"See, great night in the making. I wonder if Yoongi will come?" Jimin wondered to himself more than anything.

" I doubt it. He usually doesn't come on Fridays. He avoids the weekend rush."

"Oh ok" Jimin said, aware of his own disappointment. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick."

As Jimin walked off, a pair of lazy eyes followed his movements before their owner stood up to follow him.


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I'm really excited about some ideas I have for this book. I hope anyone reading is enjoying it. I would love to read comments/thoughts if you have any 😊

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