Chapter 33

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It was Friday night. The couple had spent as much time together as possible that week; although, truth be told, they were both really busy and it was mostly nights together. Classes were busy. Yoongi was putting a tour together in only a few weeks. It was chaos.

That's why Namjoon decided to throw Yoongi a congratulations/going away party that night. He didn't want the excitement to be drowned by the work of pulling it all off on such short notice. Taehyung agreed to close Shots of Seoul down to the public and was hosting the party. Namjoon had invited all of their best friends plus newer friends with the company. 

Yoongi and Jimin were still at his apartment getting ready. Yoongi chose a casual but still stylish outfit - ripped black skinny jeans, black tshirt, his favorite red and black flannel. Combat boots and black beanie finished him off. Jimin seemed to be waiting on him to pick clothes before doing the same. Once he did, Jimin also went for ripped black skinny jeans but paired it with a form-fitting red v neck. He added boots and silver jewelry and was ready to go. 

"See, now we coordinate without being too showy about it," he said with a smile. 

"You look beautiful Jiminie. You know... we could just stay here. I can think of several ways to have fun tonight without other people."

"Namjoon would kill us both if I didn't drag you there and you know it."

"I hate that you're right. O well...later," Yoongi grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.

Jimin just giggled and followed him out the door.


They arrived at the party a few minutes after it started. They walked in together although they couldn't hold hands or anything. Too many eyes. 

They were both shocked at the transformation of the small bar. Namjoon had gone all out with lights and signs everywhere. As soon as he saw Yoongi, he grabbed the mic.

"The man of the night has finally arrived! The newest idol rapper to Korea and my best friend... Agust D!"

The crowd cheered and Yoongi's face turned beet red. Jimin giggled and cheered with the crowd. Yoongi ran up and grabbed the mic as he knew was expected.

"Damn didn't have to put me on the spot like that!" He laughed. "But seriously... thank you all for coming. I have friends here that mean a lot to me and many of you are becoming friends quickly. Thank you for your hard work to prep the tour. It's a group effort and I'm so appreciative to you all. We are gonna fuckin kill it and I can't wait." 

Just then Namjoon walked up with a tray of shot glasses. He handed one to Jimin and one up to Yoongi before picking up the last for himself. Yoongi smiled at them before pulling the mic back to his lips. 

"Cheers!" Yoongi said and tossed it back. He turned the mic off and walked off stage to Jimin and Namjoon. He stood next to Jimin but refrained from touching him. 

"I can't believe you did all this. Thank you," Yoongi said with a genuine smile.

"I couldn't let my best friend leave for tour without properly celebrating him, now could I?" Joon returned the smile, showing off his dimples.

"You totally could have. But I appreciate you anyway." He looked at Jimin and back to Namjoon. "Should we get drinks?"

"Yes!" they both replied in unison before laughing.

They walked over to the bar and Jimin went around behind.

"Hey, you're my guest. You're not working tonight."

"I'm not silly. But I can't pass up one of my last chances to make your favorite drink for a while." Jimin flashed him the sweetest smile and Yoongi felt butterflies erupt in his stomach. Love and anxiety both flooded his system. Reality was setting in. 

Jimin handed Joon his beer first before starting on the whiskey. He did the flip perfectly before winking at Yoongi. "For old time's sake," he giggled. 

Yoongi grinned back remembering the night they met. How different his life was now and hopefully would be forever. Everything was falling into place. He just had to keep it there.


Early update to say Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate. I hope you've had a great day with family and friends.

Side note - almost to 400 reads which isn't much compared to most books but it's my first one and I'm really excited to see when its read. I hope you're enjoying 💜💜

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