Chapter 25

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The pair got back into Yoongi's car and pulled out of the parking lot. Jimin was curious about where they were going. He thought a bar was most likely, given how late it was. Maybe a restaurant that was open late. But when Yoongi turned his signal on for the highway, Jimin looked over at him with curious eyes.

"You might want to take a little nap. Remember, I said late," Yoongi said with a teasing smile.

"Hyung, I'm not going to sleep on our first date."

"You might be surprised Jiminie."

"Let's listen to music. No sleep."

"Ok. Play us something," Yoongi said, handing Jimin his phone that was connected to his bluetooth.

Jimin grinned and looked down at the phone. Yoongi laughed when he heard the familiar sound of his own song. Jimin set the phone down and closed his eyes. As the tracks played, Yoongi was in awe of the fact that Jimin already knew the words to almost every song. It had only been out a few days.

"How many times have you listened to the copy I gave you?"

"That one, none. It's put in a safe place to never get damaged. But I bought two copies for myself in case I wear one out," Jimin said with a bashful smile, blush evident even in the dim car.

"Jiminie, I could have given you more. You didn't have to buy them."

"And miss the chance to support you? No way. I might buy more when I get paid."

Yoongi couldn't help the smile at Jimin's sweetness but responded sternly anyway. "Please don't. I can give you as many as you want. Don't spend your money on me like that."

"But hyung."

"I'm serious Jiminie. You need your money for school and your books and your apartment and all that. Please don't waste it on something I can give you and would actually love to give you. It makes me so proud to know you love my music."

"I do love it. All of it. I can't wait for you to make more."

"What's your favorite song?"

"Can I pick two?"

"Of course."

"Give it to Me and So Far Away."

"Wow... so... not the one we did together? I'm hurt," Yoongi said with a pained expression while grabbing his heart.

"I love that one too hyung! I really do! I swear! But the others just speak to me. They are both so powerful and so opposite to each other stylistically. They show your range as an artist."

Yoongi felt a deep sense of pride at Jimin's words and couldn't help but beam at him. He had added softer songs like So Far Away for that very reason.

"I'm just kidding Jiminie. I'm impressed you know all the songs already. Makes me happy."

They had driven along the highway until they were well outside of Seoul. Yoongi signaled to get off and then turned on a darker smaller road.

"How much longer?"

"Fifteen minutes or so."

"Can I know where we're going? It seems like the middle of nowhere."

"Exactly," Yoongi said with a happy smile.

When they turned into an empty field, Jimin went from curious to confused.

"Hyung, we're in a field."

"I know. Do you trust me?"

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't, trust me," Jimin replied with a giggle.

They got out of the car and Yoongi popped his trunk. He took out a two thick blankets and two pillows.

"Hyung, if you wanted to sleep with me, we could have gone back home," Jimin said with laugh.

"Shut up Jiminie."

Yoongi clicked his car locked and walked a few feet away before laying one of the blankets down and tossing the pillows on top. He took off his shoes before laying down on his back and patting the pillow beside him.

Jimin followed suit though he thought Yoongi had to be the craziest person in Korea right now. It was cold and they were about to lay on the ground.

When his head hit the pillow, he instantly knew why Yoongi drove him out here. He could see the stars! Millions of them. Shining brightly overhead. They were never visible in Seoul because of the smog and city lights. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen the stars. So long that he didn't even think to look for them anymore. It was the perfect night too, the moon just a sliver in the sky and allowing the stars to shine brightly.

"Wow hyung. It's so beautiful."

"I know. I love to come out here as often as I can. I can lay here for hours and watch them."

"Thank you for bringing me. I don't even remember the last time I saw the stars."

They laid under the stars, fingers laced together at their sides, while Yoongi pointed out all the constellations he knew and helped Jimin find them too. They laughed when a bat swooped near them and Jimin nearly jumped out of his skin.

Later, Jimin sat up and grabbed the other blanket to cover them. He wanted to stay as long as possible and keeping warm was the key. Before laying back down, he leaned over and kissed Yoongi on the cheek before kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Best date ever. I'm so glad I took that bartender job."

"Me too baby. I know we've only known each other for a relatively short time but...I honestly can't remember what it was like when I didn't have you to look forward to. To your texts, or calls, or getting to see your beautiful face in front of me. It's like you've been engraved in my mind."

Hearing this, Jimin leaned over and kissed Yoongi lightly on the cheek."Same. I was so focused on work and school. Now I check my phone between classes, sometimes in class, under the bar at work. You're the first person I think of when I wake up and the last before I go to sleep. I feel a bit like a fan boy since this is only our first date."

Jimin cuddled into Yoongi and they laid together under the stars for a while before either of them spoke again.

Jimin heard Yoongi take a deep breath. "Jiminie..."


"Will you be mine? Officially?"

Jimin's eyes lit up in Yoongi's favorite smile and his heart fluttered. "I would love to be yours."

Yoongi propped himself up on his elbow before smiling down at Jimin. He cupped his cheek in his free hand before kissing him sweetly. "Mine." Then kissed him again, this time deepening the kiss before rubbing down Jimin's side and settling his hand on his hip, twisting him closer. Jimin immediately hooked his leg over Yoongi's, wanting more contact.

After a moment, Jimin pushed Yoongi flat and climbed on top, straddling Yoongi's waist with his thighs. He kissed him along the jaw before pulling back.

"I owe you something," Jimin smiled before pulling Yoongi's shirt up, mouth watering at his toned stomach and pale skin. Jimin scooted back, accidently exposing some of Yoongi's V as his jeans slid with him. Jimin's breath hitched at the sight and he leaned down to lightly trace Yoongi's hip bone with his tongue before biting the top, causing Yoongi to throw his head back into the pillow and moan deeply. Jimin was already licking sweetly at the small purple bruise before switching to the other side to bite a match. "Damn, my boyfriend is so sexy."


I hope you all are streaming Astronaut. I love the song so much. I am SO excited for Namjoons album this month. I wonder if they will enlist together?

This story is a slow burn but I think its more honest that way. I dont want to rush.

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