Chapter 56

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Early the next morning, Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon sat together in the waiting area to discuss the situation. There hasn't been any real change with Jimin. Paparazzi have gathered outside the hospital. Luckily, they're tucked away high in the hospital where almost no one knows their wherabouts.

"You really only have two choices now that the media knows about everything."

Yoongi nodded his head and made a motion telling him to keep going.

"You can admit that you are together or deny it. You already know the likely consequences if you admit it. We've talked about that. If you deny it, you might be able to get away with it in the long run but it will be suspicious. The person in the Eiffel Tower pictures isn't for sure Jimin. But he's clearly in the concert pictures." Jin stopped pacing before turning to face the pair as if a lightbulb went off. "We could just say that he flew out to work on a new song!"

Namjoon interrupted, "yeah but when you acknowledge he was in Paris then people won't believe it's not him in the pictures. The build of the person is the same and the hair color. There's no way to deny it and it be believable. Yoongi can't seem like a liar. That will turn people against him faster than anything."

"Faster than having a boyfriend?" Jin retorted.

"Yes, even that. Yoongi's fans aren't the old people who refuse to change marriage law. His fans are younger people who want the law to change too. Do you think we are the only gay couples in Korea? Of course not."

"It doesn't matter! Jimin doesn't want to be the face of gay couples in South Korea. He wants a quiet life hidden from everything we are dealing with now. How did the pictures of him from the concert even get posted?! That was a huge mistake," Yoongi commented.

"No one at the company knows the truth about your relationship except Namjoon and me. It was an innocent mistake by the social account manager. You can't blame them for not knowing your secret."

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and huffed. Even if Jin is right, none of this would have happened without those pictures and he can't help but blame them and the person who posted them.

"Jimin doesn't want the public to know. Is there any way to stop this? Make it go away?" Yoongi knows it's a dumb question. It's impossible. Every major news channel and social account is covering the story of Yoongi's ex attacking Jimin and exposing them to the world.

Jin just shook his head. "It's not going away Yoongi. The best we can do is damage control."

"I don't care about damage control! The love of my life is in a coma for God's sake!" Yoongi angrily wiped at the tears threatening to spill out. He's NOT crying again. 

Namjoon grabbed his hand to calm him down. "Yoongi, we need you to calm down. I know you're sad and angry but we are here to help as best we can. Please let us do that."

Yoongi took a deep breath to calm himself. "I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed. I don't want to do anything or say anything until Jimin has a say too. It's not fair for me to make these decisions without him."

Namjoon nodded his head in understanding. "I know but we don't know when Jimin will wake up." He looked at Jin expectantly. "We can wait..."

"another day or two. But then we have to respond. Your side needs to be heard. Whatever you choose for that to be, I'll support you. But Jehun is driving the narrative right now. He can't get away with that. Not after everything he's done."

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