Chapter 15

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Yoongi instinctively stepped in front of Jimin while turning to face Alex. Tae immediately reached for the phone to call the police. Alex had a criminal trespass ban and he was violating it.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Yoongi spat, eyes narrowing into a glare.

"O, I just came to see my baby Jimin. I figure he missed me while I was gone."

Yoongi laughed sarcastically before replying "I don't think he misses you at all. Jimin, do you miss this piece of shit?" Yoongi stepped back and wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist possessively.

He knew what he was doing. He was making Alex see red on purpose. Alex needed to be handled the right way this time. But Yoongi needed him to escalate first. If Yoongi hit him now, in this situation, it might hurt his debut. No way was he giving Alex that power. But self defense? No problem.

Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes and linked their fingers before looking back at Alex. Does he know what I'm doing? Yoongi wondered to himself.

"Not even a little bit," Jimin replied, voice laced with disgust.

"No? I didn't think so. Do you want him to leave?" Yoongi asked, turning to kiss Jimin at the corner of his lips. If Jimin didn't know what he was doing before, he does now.

"Yes baby, I want him to leave," Jimin said with a smirk.

"BABY? Are you fucking kidding me?! You're mine. I told you that the other night," Alex spit back at Jimin.

"Funny. Since he was in my bed last night." Yoongi replied with a chuckle. He noticed Jimin's eye go wide just briefly before Yoongi pushed him backward. He knew that would be enough.

Alex's face went beet red before he rushed Yoongi and hit him square in the jaw. Yoongi stumbled back a couple steps before laughing. FINALLY he thought to himself.

He rushed Alex and returned the punch to his jaw before jabbing his ribs. The bigger man stumbled backward and fell to his knees before Yoongi landed a well placed punch to his left eye. He fell to his back with a thud.

Namjoon ran up and grabbed him and pulled him back. "I'm ok, I'm ok," Yoongi laughed, throwing his hands up.

He looked back down at Alex smugly before turning away. "Jimin doesn't belong to you. Get that through your head and stay the fuck away from him."

At that moment, the police walked in and began to assess the situation.

When Yoongi turned back to Jimin, he looked shocked and his hands were trembling.

"Are you ok?" Yoongi asked, leaning forward to touch their foreheads.

"Am I ok? Are you ok?" Jimin asked, finally meeting Yoongi's eyes. "I didn't want you to have to do that."

"I couldn't let him scare you again. He needed to learn his lesson. I don't want you to be scared of anyone ever."

"He's so much bigger than you but you egged him on. How did you know he wouldn't hurt you?"

"I had to learn to fight young. I love it when they're bigger than me. They're so much more surprised when I kick their ass," Yoongi said with a laugh.

"Thank you Yoongi. I can't believe he came back."

"I can. Look at you. I don't blame him for wanting you. He needed to know he can't have you."

Jimin looked down at his hands, wringing them in his lap. His cheeks blushed a beautiful pink but he didn't respond.

Taehyung walked up and looked between the two. "The police are arresting him again. He violated the criminal trespass that we filed before. Yoongi, they also want to add assault since he hit you - if you agree."

"Yes of course. Do they need my statement?"

"No, we have security cameras in public areas so they saw the footage. They may call you if that changes though."

He turned to head back to the officer who was waiting on Yoongi's response.

Yoongi turned his attention back to Jimin and asked "can I take you home?"

Jimin looked at his phone and shook his head. "I still have a little longer before I'm off. I shouldn't miss it since I've already been off for a few days."

"Can I get another then?"

Jimin's shoulders sagged in relief as a big smile spread on his lips. "Coming right up."

I loved writing this chapter. I wanted Jimin to see this side of Yoongi. How will he respond?

Don't forget to star and follow for updates! This is my first fic so I also would love comments of any feedback on my writing 💜

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