Chapter 7

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Jimin closed his door and tossed his keys on the kitchen counter. Most nights, he makes tea to relax after work. He knew he needed something stronger tonight. Running his hands through his hair roughly, he grabbed the vodka from his cabinet and the bottle of orange juice from his fridge. He poured a tall drink, sighing deeply with the first sip. This would help him sleep but it wouldn't make him feel better.

He felt dirty. Gross. He could still feel hands on him that didn't belong there. He wanted a bath. A hot one. He started toward his bathroom before running back to make sure he locked his door. Of course he had but he wanted to feel safe.

He ran the water and poured in some lavender soap. It was his favorite calming scent. While undressing, he inspected his body in the mirror. There were fingerprint bruises on his hips. He felt his eyes welling up as he ran his hand over them. He hated that that fucker had marked him. He wanted them gone now but knew that wasn't possible.

Jimin stepped into the hot water and sat down, glass in hand. He took a few more sips and let the tears escape.


Yoongi was pacing back and forth in his apartment. He was furious that that piece of shit had touched Jimin that way. Had hit him when he tried to fight back.

The only thing that made him feel a little better was seeing him hauled off, handcuffed, in the back of the police car. The police swore he will be charged with something serious. Jimin wanted to go home after that. It hadn't even occurred to him at the time that Jimin might be alone tonight. No one should be alone after something like that. He also felt like an idiot for not getting Jimin's phone number.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey and drank it quickly, trying to calm himself down. He pulled out his phone and searched for the number of the bar. Maybe the manager would give him Jimin's number. He hit send.

"Shots of Seoul. This is Mina. How can I help you?"

"Hey uh...this is Min Yoongi. Is Taehyung there?"

"Sure... just one second and I'll find him for you."

"Thank you."




"Hello? This is Taehyung."

"Hey Tae. It's Yoongi. Is everything quiet up there now?"

"Yeah, the cops left a little while ago. They took statements from me and Mina after you and Jimin left."

"That's good. I think you need to have that doorknob to the bathroom replaced. Someone could have helped Jimin a lot faster if it wasn't locked from the inside. I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before."

"The police said the same thing. I'm calling our maintenance team first thing in the morning."

"Speaking of Jimin. I want to check on him. Do you have his cell phone number?"

"I do but I don't know if he would want me to give it out. Especially after what happened tonight."

"Tae I promise I'm not gonna stalk him. I just want to make sure he's ok. He was pretty shaken up," Yoongi stated.

"Ok fine. But don't make me regret this. It's 867-5309.

"Thank you!" and Yoongi hung up.


Yoongi thought about texting Jimin but he really wanted to hear his voice to know for sure that he was ok. He typed in Jimin's number and hit send.

After 3 rings:


"Jimin? This is Yoongi."

" did you get my number?"

"I called Tae. I was worried about are you?" he asked softly.

He heard a little sniffle that told him Jimin had been crying.

"I'm ok. I took a bath. It helped some. I'm laying in bed now. He left bruises on me." Jimin whispered the last part, afraid that he would sob if he spoke too loudly.

Yoongi pursed his lips and rubbed his forehead. 'I'm gonna kill him,' he thought to himself.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wish I had been there sooner..."

Jimin cut him off "It's not your fault. I'm so grateful you got there when you did."

"I still wish it was faster. Try not to think about it tonight. Just snuggle in your blankets and play some nice music."

"Can I listen to your music?"

"Mines not ready yet. Plus it's not I don't think it has the vibe you need tonight. Maybe some other time though."

"Ok" Jimin pouted.

"Do you work tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure. I meant to check the schedule before I left tonight and then all that happened. I'll call Tae in the morning."

"Ok well I'm gonna let you get some rest just in case. You have my number now. Call or text me if you need me. Or if you just want to talk."

"I will hyung."

"I'm serious Jimin."

"I promise."



Jimin smiled at his phone. His night had been shit but at least he knew Yoongi cared enough to call Tae to get his phone number and check on him. He still wasn't sure if Yoongi was a friend or maybe more. But tonight, he didn't care. He felt cared for. That's enough. He took his last few sips of vodka with orange juice and let himself drift to sleep.

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