Chapter 32

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Jimin agreed to come over for dinner that night. Yoongi was scared to tell him about the tour but knew he couldn't wait. Once things were finalized, it would become public. Jimin needed to hear from him and not the news. 

He was busy grilling his famous steak when the doorbell rang. He felt unfamiliar butterflies in his stomach - the kind that only nerves can bring. 

He walked over to his door and took a deep breath before opening it. Once he did, a big gummy smile broke out on his face as he took in the sight of his breathtaking boyfriend. He gave him a quick kiss before pulling him inside and closing the door.

"I missed you Yoonie."

"I missed you too baby."

"I brought wine."

"So thoughtful." Yoongi smiled again and wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and kissed him again - lingering a little longer.

"Come sit," Yoongi requested as he took the wine out of Jimin's hand. He busied himself getting glasses and pouring them each one.

"How are your classes?"

"Classes are good for the most part. One of my professors is tough. She gives us a lot of writing assignments. But I'm making it work... Eyes on the prize and all that," Jimin added with a giggle.

"But some of my work is gonna be on display at the University Art Fair in a couple months. I have to select the pieces still but I'm excited."

"That's amazing baby! I'm so happy for you," Yoongi exclaimed, leaning over the counter to give him a quick kiss.

 "Thanks hyung. How's work going? Besides the obvious."

"Obvious?" Yoongi asked, quickly afraid Jimin already knew his news.

"Yeah! Your music is doing so well. Highest debut on the charts for a new rapper. Your video has like a gazillion views. I can barely scroll facebook without seeing your face. Not that I mind of course. It's partially my fault." Jimin said with another giggle. 

"How so?" Yoongi asked as he handed Jimin his glass of wine. 

"I join like every Agust D or Min Yoongi fan page I see," Jimin replied, cheeks flushing pink. "I told you I was gonna be your biggest fan boy."

"You know more about me than I do," Yoongi replied with a laugh. 

"I don't know about that. But I do love seeing all the pictures and videos. And reading peoples comments and stuff."

"I don't. I'm not sure how I would handle the bad ones. So I just don't read any."

"I can send you some good ones. You should see them. Your music touches people Yoonie. I know it would mean a lot to you to see that."

"That would be awesome baby." He turned to check the steak to ensure it was done. "Dinners almost ready."

"It smells so good. I'm starving."

Yoongi was busying himself again serving plates of steak with bowls of kimchi rice. He also filled their wine glasses before coming to sit down.

"Looks so good hyung. Thank you." Jimin flashed Yoongi his favorite smile as he began to cut his steak.

"You're welcome Jiminie."

They both chewed in silence for a few moments - except for the sounds of their appreciation for the food.

" we got sidetracked earlier with my shameless fanboying. How's work really going?"

"Umm, that's actually what I wanted to talk about. I have news." Yoongi swallowed thickly. The nerves were back and making it hard for him to talk. It felt like the lump in his throat was going to suffocate him.

"Ok...consider the suspense built," Jimin replied with a chuckle, eyes smiling expectantly.

Yoongi swallowed again. God this is harder than I thought. He took a long swig of his wine and silently wished it was something stronger.

"I'm going on tour."

Jimin just blinked at him a few times. His smile didn't fade but he didn't respond either. The silence drug on forever and the lump in Yoongi's throat swelled even larger. All the panic from earlier came back and he felt his heart speed up until it was thumping in his chest. 

"I'm sorry, you're doing what?" Jimin finally responded with genuine confusion on his face.

"Going on tour."

"But you said you weren't doing that anytime soon," Jimin reminded him quietly before downing the rest of his wine and turning to face Yoongi.

"I know. I didn't expect it. It usually takes longer for rappers to build enough of a fan base to tour. I thought it would be at least the second album before I toured. Maybe even longer."

"So... you told me you wouldn't be touring soon based on the assumption that you wouldn't succeed quickly. Yoongi... that's just stupid." Jimin's face wasn't half as harsh as his words. He looked sad. Scared even?

"I know baby. I'm so sorry. I never dreamed I would tour this fast. Please don't be mad at me." He hung his head on Jimin's shoulder, afraid to look him in the eyes.

Jimin sighed before lifting Yoongi's head back up and cupping his cheeks, forcing him to look in his eyes. "Yoonie I'm not mad. I'm so happy for you." 

He looked down at his own lap and twisted one of his rings a few times before continuing. "I just don't know where this leaves us."

"Where do you want it to leave us?"

"I don't know Yoongi. We just got together and you're already leaving. When are you leaving?"

"A few weeks."

Jimin's eyes widened a little as he continued twisting his ring in his lap. "Leaving in a few weeks. How long will you be gone?"

"A few months. But we talked about this. We can talk and text and video chat. You can come visit me on Spring Break."

"Is that enough though Yoongi? When we talked about the idea of you going on tour, you thought we were talking about a long time from now. After we had a strong foundation. Have we built that yet? Do you even want to be tied down to me when we just got together? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't."

"Jimin, look at me." Yoongi waited patiently for his favorite brown eyes to meet his before replying. The pain in them nearly broke him. "I want you. Now and always. All I could think about today was what your reaction would be. If you would still want me or not. I can't even really be happy about some of the happiest news of my life because it might mean you don't want me anymore. I care about you so much. I don't want to lose you because of this. "

The pain in Jimin's eyes finally spilled over. Somehow he was still beautiful, even with tears running down his cheeks. 

"Yoongi, I love you. I want you. I know it's too early in our relationship to say that but no one has ever made me feel the way you do. Safe. Protected. Cared For. You are sweet and funny and smart and sexy as fuck. I love you. I will wait through a thousand tours if it means being together."

As relief washed over, Yoongi couldn't stop himself. He lurched forward and kissed Jimin hungrily. He gently wiped Jimin's cheeks with his thumbs. Then ran his fingers through his hair until he was gripping the back of Jimin's head to hold him close. He continued kissing him until he was out of breath and only then pulled away.

"I love you too baby. I've been so scared all day. The second Jin said tour, all I could think about was you and I had a literal panic attack in the bathroom. I was scared to lose you. Scared of how I feel about you. Scared that you were more important than my excitement over the tour. Scared that I was falling too fast." Yoongi leaned their foreheads together and closed his eyes, breathing in Jimin's sweet smell. Trying to memorize it for their time apart.

"I want us to spend as much time together as we can before I leave."

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