Chapter 11

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"My Tongue Technology!" Yoongi was belting into the mic when Jimin walked in. He had never been in a music studio before and was surprised by his surroundings. It was sort of homey... in a tech way. The room was dimly lit with dark floors and a couch. One wall was lined with computers and speakers and a keyboard and other stuff that Jimin didn't recognize. No one else was here. I wonder how he records alone Jimin thought to himself. He shrugged off his jacket and looked back at the room Yoongi was in. He was taking off a headset and smiling at him.

"Hey, you made it," he smiled, walking into the room. "Sit please," and motioned to the couch. He sat in the chair at the computer.

"Yeah, the drive wasn't bad. It's actually not too far from my house. I only heard a second of you recording but it sounded good."

"Thank you," Yoongi said, smiling again. "I'm working on recording the chorus. It's the verses I'm struggling with. Well, one for the most part."

"Can I read it?"

Yoongi's eyes went wide for a brief second. He knew he brought Jimin here for help but no one read or heard his music until it was done. At least not usually.

"Or not," Jimin laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to anyone reading my lyrics before they are done. I trust you and I asked for help. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. I don't know exactly how you feel but I know I feel similar when I'm writing for my classes. You want it perfect before anyone sees to judge it." Jimin gave him a reassuring smile.

Yoongi quickly returned the smile. He realized Jimin knows how he feels. He had his degree to worry about when others read his work. Yoongi had his career. It wasn't so different.

"Exactly. I'm glad you understand."

"Maybe start by playing me something you've finished?"

"Good idea. Do you want to hear something with a lot of energy or more mellow?"

"Energy first. Then mellow. Then we write."

"Yoongi turned back to his computer and started a song. He then got up and came to sit by Jimin while they listened.

The song was amazing. It was high energy like Yoongi said. He was taking on the role of idol and all that would mean for himself. Money, fame, even enemies. Jimin loved it. Yoongi's voice fit the song so well. It had an amazing rasp that wasn't so pronounced in his speaking voice.

Jimin was lost in thought listening to the song. He hadn't thought a lot about how much life might change for Yoongi once his music came out. He obviously had and it made Jimin feel a little stupid. It reminded him of why they would only ever be friends. They would be worlds apart.

The song ended and Jimin beamed at Yoongi. "Hyung, it's amazing. I love it so much. I'm surprised it's not the title track. That one must be even better to have beaten this one out."

"It's going to be amazing once I finish writing it. The chorus is perfect but the verses need help."

The next song started and, as promised, it was a much more mellow song. Jimin immediately leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes to listen. There was a woman who featured on the song. Her voice went really well with the sound. I wonder who she is, he thought to himself briefly. It was so different from the first song. It really showed Yoongi's range as an artist.

Eyes still closed, he reached over and rubbed Yoongi's thigh as the song was winding down. He laced their fingers. He didn't want Yoongi to feel what he was expressing in this song. He realized he cared about him too much to be ok with his sadness. But they were just friends and there was only so much he could do or say.

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