Chapter 21

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Once Yoongi was fully drowned in the darkness of backstage, he rushed to Jimin, pulling him into a hug and picking him up, turning a full circle before setting him back down. He was sweaty but Jimin didn't mind.

"That was amazing! You were so good. They loved you. I knew they would," Jimin whispered into Yoongi's neck before pulling away from the hug with a huge smile.

"Thank you Jiminie. I've never felt anything like it before. When I performed in the past, it was at underground rap battles. This was so different. My heart is still pounding."

"I love the finished version of your title song. The audience even sang along to some of it. So cool."

Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him back toward the hallway, dropping his hand once they left the darkness backstage. He led them back to his dressing room and shut the door before turning to face Jimin directly. He grabbed his hand and led him to the couch, pulling him down to sit.

"Look, I need to say something while I have too much adrenaline to stop myself." Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. He kept his gaze low, as if he would lose his nerve if he met Jimin's eyes. "I like you Jimin. As so much more than my friend. Every moment that I spend with you feels infinitely better than the ones I don't. You are smart and sweet and beautiful. Everything I could ever want in a partner." Yoongi knew he was rambing but the nerves and adrenaline wouldn't let him stop. "And... I know this is insane. I just debuted as an idol. I'm not even allowed to date. But I don't care."

Yoongi looked up from his hands at a wide-eyed Jimin. The silence became uncomfortable. Yoongi knew Jimin needed time to process what he was saying. He tried to sit quietly and wait but the anxiety was turning him into a shaky sweaty mess.

"Hyung, I don't think you've thought this through. If anyone found out, your career would be over. I would be publicly shamed for dating an idol. The fact that we are both men makes it even worse for both of us." Jimin's eyes teared up as he spoke. "I like you too. So much. You are one of the first men that I feel like cares about me on the inside and not just the outside. But it would ruin us both."

Yoongi's heart ached. "I have thought about it. Joon even talked some sense into me because he noticed how different I am now. I know it's a risk. And we would have to be careful. But I think it would be worth it. I've never felt the way I feel about you."

Jimin looked at Yoongi with teary scared eyes and spoke in a small voice, barely a whisper. "What about when you get famous and everyone wants you? You are busy and gone all the time? Men and women both will try to fill that void for you when I'm not there. I watched them react to you tonight. You are going to make it big Yoongi. I know you will. Everything will change."

Yoongi didn't hesitate before reaching out to rub Jimin's cheek."It doesn't matter who wants me if I don't want them. I've never laid eyes on anyone I wanted more than you. You are perfection. With a personality to match. Do you know how rare you are? No one could even compare. And yes, I will be gone some but so what? We can talk and text and video chat. Maybe you can come visit me or travel with me after you graduate. You can write anywhere, right? And it won't be long periods of time that I'm gone anyway. It's not like I'm doing world tours anytime soon."

Yoongi watched Jimin's face change from tears to a shy smile while he talked. His cheeks blushed a light shade of pink as he nuzzled into Yoongi's hand on his cheek. "What When I'm not there?"

"Have you heard of sexting?" Yoongi said with a chuckle.

"Of course but it's not the same."

" it's with you, I promise it'll be better than the real thing with anyone else."

Yoongi pulled his hand back into his lap before taking another deep breath.

"Do you feel the same way? If I'm the only one who wants this then let's forget this conversation ever happened. Just chalk it to post-debut euphoria and be friends. I would rather be friends than lose you."

"Of course I feel the same way." Jimin slid closer on the couch until their legs were touching. "I have wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you. Remember the whiskey?" Jimin said with a giggle, hiding his face behind his hands again.

"How could I forget? You could have lit the bar on fire with how much you spilled. Did they take that out of your check?" Yoongi asked with a laugh.

"Funny," Jimin said sarcastically with an eye roll, playfully hitting Yoongi on the leg.

Yoongi laughed before turning serious again. "Think about it please Jiminie. It's not just a risk for me. It's a risk for you too. And I'm not naive enough to think it won't be hard for you to secretly date an idol. The public will only ever know us as friends. There will be speculation and questions on my life that I'll never be able to answer honestly. That will be hard on both of us. I really don't want to ruin our friendship by trying a relationship that won't work."

Jimin laced his fingers in Yoongi's and looked into his eyes. "I don't need to think about it. I've done so much thinking about us already. I was afraid you didn't feel the same way about me that I do you. Or that you might change after you debut. Now that I know how you feel, we can't be friends. That would never be enough."

"Why Jimin?"

"Because I want you too much," Jimin whispered before closing the small gap between their lips. The kiss was sweet and soft until Yoongi tugged Jimin's bottom lip in with his teeth and sucked on it, and Jimin moaned into his mouth. He quickly climbed on Yoongi, straddling him on the couch as they deepened the kiss. Yoongi laced his fingers in Jimin's hair, pulling back gently, and kissed down his exposed throat, eliciting another soft moan. Yoongi nipped and licked his collarbone before moving back up. Jimin then tangled his fingers into Yoongi's hair and licked slowly across his bottom lip, silently asking for entrance. Twirling his tongue with Yoongi's, Jimin began to grind down on Yoongi's hips, providing the friction they were both missing.

"Fuck baby." Yoongi bucked his hips to meet Jimin's grinding and the need for each other exploded.

A knock on the door had Jimin flipping back onto his side of the couch in a split second. Yoongi wiped his mouth and looked over at Jimin before telling the intruder to come in.

It was his manager Jin. "Yoongi, do you need a ride home?"

Yoongi looked at Jimin. "Do you wanna come to my house tonight? I wanna stay up to watch the premiere of my video. Nothing crazy, we'll just eat snacks and watch YouTube."

"I'd love to. I can't believe you're not exhausted."

"I sort of am but still have so much adrenaline. Between the stage and us talking, I'm hyped."

Jimin smiled and Yoongi turned back to Jin, "I'm good hyung. Thank you though."

I hope you are enjoying the story so far 😊 I'm loving writing it but its my first so doubting myself some. I appreciate those of you reading 💜

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