Chapter 14

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Yoongi and Namjoon walk into Shots of Seoul around 10:30. It was later than Yoongi intended but his talk with Joon had delayed him. He has a lot to think about but there would be time for that later. Right now, he just wants to see Jimin.

Luckily, it's a weeknight and it's pretty quiet inside. He spots Jimin right away, wearing that beautiful smile and talking with Taehyung and another man he guesses is Jungkook. He is drying glasses and restocking them while Tae wipes the bar down.

He walks up slowly, enjoying watching Jimin laugh at something one of the others said, unaware of being watched. He can't help but think how beautiful Jimin's laugh is. So natural in the way it lights up his whole face.

A moment later, their approach catches the group's attention and Jimin sees Yoongi. If it's even possible, his laugh turns into an even bigger smile when they make eye contact. Yoongi smiles back and slides into the seat next to Jungkook. Namjoon sits on his right side.

"Hey Yoongi. Hey Namjoon," Jimin says, eyes not leaving Yoongi's.

"Hey Jimin. Hey Tae," Yoongi replies, also maintaining their eye contact.

"Your usual?" Jimin knows the answer but asks just to be certain.

"Yep," they reply in unison.

Jimin breaks eye contact for the first time to make their drinks.

"How was work?" Jimin asks.

"It was great. I got the song recorded that you helped me on. Joon and I did some editing tonight but we have to finish it up. I also found out that the shoot for my video is going to be in just a few days."

"I can't believe we are gonna know an idol," Jungkook jumps in.

"Don't forget your favorite bar when you're famous," Tae adds with raised eyebrows, only half joking. He wonders if Yoongi picks up on his double meaning. Favorite bar and favorite bartender.

"Ignore them please," Jimin says with an eye roll directed at them both.

He has already given Namjoon his beer and turns to pour Yoongi's whiskey. "That's amazing. I can't wait to hear it. And wow, a music video. It's getting so real. You're gonna be famous. I know you must be excited."

Joon gives Yoongi a look that says I told you so.

"I couldn't forget my favorite bar even with amnesia," Yoongi replies while glaring at Taehyung. "And I'm really excited. Although they said I might have to dye my hair a different color temporarily. They don't know if mint green is right for my first impression," Yoongi says with his own eye roll and making air quotes at the end.

Jimin's jaw gapes open. "What?! Your hair is fucking beautiful. Just look at it," he says as he leans over the bar to rub his fingers through the hair at the nape of Yoongi's neck. "What color do they want you to make it?"

Yoongi shifts nervously in his seat at Jimin's touch. He doesn't mind. It's just awkward in a group like this.

"They mentioned black or blonde. And maybe cutting it a little too. They want my look to match the song. Beautiful, as you said, doesn't really fit."

"AND they want you to cut it? I'm gonna miss it so much," Jimin says with a pout.

"It's ok Jiminie. The dye will be temporary and my hair will grow back. It's just for the shoot."

"I want to take a picture together before you do all that. Just not tonight. I look like shit."

"You could never look like shit," Yoongi responds, shocked that Jimin could think that of himself.

"I'm gonna make rounds since this is pretty much a Y+J conversation. See you later," Joon says as he gets up to leave.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi looks up at Namjoon, guilt in his eyes.

"Don't be," his friend replies with a wink before turning away.

"Can I get another please?" Yoongi asks, needing to take the edge off of a long night. He had a lot on his mind but didn't really wanna think about it right now.

"Of course. So back to your video. What's the concept?"

"I'm not sure yet. We meet tomorrow to do the storyboard. I know it's gonna be a night shoot so I won't be here that night."

"O ok. That'll be cool. I can't wait to see." Yoongi drank his whole glass that Jimin sat in front of him.

"I can't wait for you to see. It'll be cool to do the song knowing you helped me finish it."

Jimin felt a blush creep up his cheeks. "It's no big deal. I didn't do very much hyung. I just helped you rearrange the phrasing and modified a few words."

"You made the song come together the way I had in my head but couldn't get on paper. You helped a ton. That's my title track. It's literally the most important song on the mixtape. It's a very big deal"

Yoongi grinned as he saw Jimin's blush deepen. "Also, I hate to tell you this but they might do my hair tomorrow so if you want that picture, we should take it tonight."

Jimin rolled his eyes but grabbed his phone and walked around the bar. He put his arm around Yoongi and took a couple of pictures. Then he kissed his cheek and took one last one, smiling down at his phone and Yoongi's cute surprised expression.

"Jimin, you bitch. Thought you didn't date customers."

Yoongi felt Jimin tense instantly. He would know that voice anywhere.


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