Chapter 13

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Yoongi was starting to put away his work for the evening. He and Joon had recorded AGUST D and done a lot of the editing. He was considering one more song for his debut mixtape and was working on lyrics.

"Finishing up early again tonight?" his friend asked. "That's not like you."

"Yeah, it's Jimin's first night back at work. I'm gonna head over and make sure it's going ok."

"Y'all are spending a lot of time together. And you asked for his help on your song. Also not like you."

"Is there a point you're going to arrive at?" Yoongi asked, turning to look at his longest friend.

"Just that you've been different since you met him."


"Jeez, you're defensive. It's not a bad thing. Just an observation. You like him, don't you? And not in a friendly way." the younger added on.

"Does it matter? I'm about to debut," Yoongi said with more irritation than he really meant.

"Of course it matters," said Joon with a caring expression. "Your happiness always matters."

"I don't think it does in this case. You know the rules."

"I do know them...very well. But I've never seen you this way over anyone. You are usually hyper-focused on work. Nothing comes first. But lately, Jimin does without even asking. That means something Yoongi."

"I do like him. A lot. He's special in so many ways. But we can only be friends. I'm about to debut. He has university and a private life that I'm sure he'd like to keep. It would hurt both our futures if I told him how I feel."

"I think it might hurt you more if you don't. You're entitled to choose for yourself but you aren't even giving Jimin a say. I saw how he was smiling at you the other night. He completely ignored any other man that looked his way. He likes you too."

"No he doesn't. He would have told me."

"Would he though Yoongi? Imagine the position he's in. It must be scary for him to know that your life is about to change drastically. He's fitting into Yoongi's life but he might not know where he fits in with Agust D the idol."

"I'm still gonna be me. He doesn't have to be afraid."

"Yes but you'll be you with a busy schedule, a lot of fans, and a lot of money. Plus men, and women, throwing themselves at you. Those things change people. And it will all be brand new to you. And you haven't known each other that long. If I was in his place, I would be scared too."

"It still doesn't matter. I can't date. If I did, my career would be over before it even started. And can you imagine the press we would both have to deal with. It would be relentless."

"It would be hard. No doubt. You would have to only ever appear as friends publicly. But idols have dated and managed to keep it a secret. You just have to be very careful." He smiled at Yoongi before continuing. "If you care about him the way I think you do, you have to go for it. If you don't, someone else will come along who will give him what you won't. I don't want to see that happen to you."

"I'm scared Joonie," Yoongi said, voice barely more than a whisper. "I want to tell him how I feel but I'm so scared if the press found out. I've worked so hard. He's worked hard to be taken seriously at school. He wants to be a published author. Dating me might take that away. I just don't know what to do. Plus, even if I do tell him how I feel and, by some miracle, he feels the same way, the only thing I can give him anytime soon is a secret relationship. It's unfair of me to ask that of him."

"I can't tell you what to do hyung. I just know that I've never seen anyone get your attention the way he has. You interact with beautiful people on a daily basis so it's not his looks. You care about him. That might not come around again. Career is important but will you really be happy if you lose Jimin to it? Because I don't think you will."

"You're right."

"Of course I am. Now let's go see your man."

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