Chapter 45

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"Joonnieee!" Jin shrieked as he ran toward his boyfriend before launching himself into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" He nuzzled into Namjoons neck and pecked him before jumping down.

Jimin giggled at Joonie's cherry red face.

"Hi Jimin, so good to see you too. Sorry if I got carried away," Jin added with a slight blush as he pulled him into a tight hug.

"Don't be sorry. It was so cute. It's great to see you too." The three preceeded to walk back to the car waiting to take them to their hotel.

"Yoongi is so excited to see you. I practically had to tie him to the chair in his room," Jin laughed loudly. "You understand why he couldn't come though, right?"

Jimin nodded. "Too much attention."

"Exactly. It's hard to blend in at an airport. Especially a Korea Air airplane coming in since Yoongi is obviously known to be coming for the show Friday. We've kept it a secret that he's already here so that hopefully there is some privacy for you guys to do some tourist stuff tomorrow."

Jimin smiled his thanks.

"How tired are you guys?"

"We both slept on the plane," Jimin replied. "I'm ready to see stuff. Do stuff."

"I bet your are," Jin laughed again.

Jimin blushed when he realized what Jin meant. "Thats not what I meant hyung!"

"You don't have to lie to me Jiminie. I'm ready to do stuff too," Jin died laughing at his joke as Namjoon's jaw clenched a little and he turned red again. "Jin, stop!"

Jimin giggled at his friends as they climbed into the car.


The group pulled up to the hotel and Jimin's stomach knotted up. Why are you nervous he wondered to himself. It's true they hadn't been able to video as much as earlier on but still. It's just Yoongi he reminded himself.

"Is he here?"

"Of course. He's been waiting for this day all week. We have your room checked in already so we can go right up. You're on our floor of course."

"Can I...stay...with him?"

"Of course. We just needed the room assigned to you in case anything leaks. Our floor is sealed to anyone not in our tour group. On that floor, you're safe."

Jimin breathed a sigh of relief. Yoongi said they would stay together but it felt better out of Jin's mouth. His ultimate job is to protect Yoongi after all.

The group headed for the elevators of the hotel. Jimin's stomach is still in knots but he realized it's just excited energy. I finally get to see my Yoonie he silently squealed to himself.

Stepping off the elevator, Jin led them to the right and down a couple doors. He handed Jimin keys.

"This is your room. Yoongi's is the end on the right. See you for dinner." He grabbed Namjoon's hand and headed in the opposite direction.

Jimin hurried to the end of the hallway, took a deep breath, and knocked.

Immediately, he heard footsteps coming, more like rushing, his way. The door flung open and there was Yoongi, smiling at him with that adorable gummy smile that Jimin had missed so fucking much.

"Baby, you're here!" Yoongi grabbed his suitcase and his hand and pulled them both inside. Once he shut the door, he turned back to Jimin who immediately locked their lips together and locked his arms around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around his lover. They kissed slowly, gently, lovingly for several minutes.

When they broke apart, panting for breath, Jimin smiled. "I missed you so much. You have no idea Yoonie."

"I have a little idea. I'm without you everyday, remember?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's not the same. I mean, look at you," Jimin whispered as he circled his boyfriend, taking in his view with lustful eyes.

"Like, fuck, how am I supposed to be ok everyday knowing other people get to be with you but I don't? I have to be jealous of strangers Yoongi," Jimin pouted as he stopped his circle and faced Yoongi.

Jimin lifted Yoongi's shirt slightly and began ghosting his fingertips over his abs and down the little peak of V - sending tingles through Yoongi's body.

"And don't get me started on your dancers that get to touch you on stage. I lowkey hate them. I hope I can hide it well enough while I'm here."

Yoongi smirked at Jimin's little rant. So cute.

"They'll never be with me like you are baby boy."

"Prove it."

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