Chapter 47

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"Be ready in five," Yoongi replied before hanging up the phone.

Jimin walked out of the bathroom still putting on the back to his earring. He has on a red suit with gold earrings and his hair slicked back.

"You look amazing," Yoongi complimented with wide eyes and a big smile.

Jimin took in Yoongi's head to toe black suit with gold detail and small hoops. "So do you, love. I don't think I've ever seen you in a suit. Gonna let me take it off later?" Jimin asked with a grin.

"If you don't, I will. Along with yours," Yoongi replied with a wink.

Jimin blushed a little. "Where are we going anyway?"

The couple were moving around the room finishing getting ready for their night out.

"I'm not sure about the restaurant honestly. It's really nice is all I know. Jin picked it out. We are going somewhere special after though."

"I'm excited to see Paris. I never dreamed I'd get to come here."

"Same. I can't wait to see it with you. I love my job sometimes."

"Please, you love your job all the time."

"I did. Until it took me from you."

Jimin stopped plundering for his shoes and walked over to Yoongi and back hugged him. "You still love it babe. It's just more complicated now because you love me too. But I can't be the reason you stop loving the thing you are most passionate about."

Yoongi turned around and looked in Jimin's eyes. "I still love it. Of course. This is my dream. But I hate being apart for so long. And I know you're having a hard time too which makes it harder for me. Because I can't do anything to help you."

"I have been but honestly, I'm getting better. I talked with Tae and he made a lot of sense. He reminded me that I should trust you. That as long as we love each other, we will figure the rest out together. And he was right."

Yoongi's eyes watered as relief flooded his body. Jimin watched the weight lift off his shoulders. "Guess I owe Taehyung a drink next time I see him."

"Please eat Yoongi. Idk if stress over me is causing you to lose weight like this. But if it is, please don't worry so much. I want to be good for you. Not to hurt you."

Yoongi grabbed his hands. "You are good for me. I have just felt torn between you and my job which are pulling me in different directions. And being an idol is my life right now. But it won't be forever. And I'm not willing to sacrifice my forever for my next 5 or 10 years. I would have never believed my own words a year ago. But you changed me. Opened my life to see beyond just work. I'm so thankful for that Jimin."

Yoongi's phone rang and he rolled his eyes, knowing they were late for the meetup time.

"Be right there," he said into the phone as Jimin went back to putting his shoes on.


The foursome arrived to the restaurant five minutes late - thanks to Yoongi and Jimin.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The hostess smiled at the group.

"Reservation under Kim Seokjin please."

"Yes, right this way Mr. Kim."

The group followed the hostess up a set of stairs that were immediately to the right and into a large room that had seating for plenty but was empty.

"This is beautiful," Jimin commented as he looked around the room. Beige walls with large framed windows and greenery hung everywhere. Crystal chandeliers illuminated the space. The tables are ornate wood with iron feet and matching chairs.

The group sat near one of the windows and a server immediately came with a wine selection.

Three sets of eyes landed on Jin, silently asking him to make the wine choice.

"We'll take two bottles of red moscato please."

"Good choice, sir." The server uncorked the bottles and poured four glasses before placing the rest on ice at the table.

"Can we have a few minutes to look at the menu, please?"

The server nodded before walking away with the wine cart.

"Jin hyung, this place is great," Jimin complimented. "How did you pick it?"

"They are well known for having great food and being...discreet...with celebrities. I knew we could be ourselves here."

Jimin relaxed and reached for Yoongi's hand under the table. "I'm glad you picked it. It's beautiful."

Yoongi sipped his wine. "It's good. Sweet. Like my Jimin."

Jimin blushed and sipped his wine as well. "It is good!"

"What should we eat, chef Jin?" Namjoon asked as he looked over the menu.

"Literally anything will be good Joonie."

"I'm having salmon. It's the only thing I recongnize," Jimin said with a giggle.

"Same baby."

The group continued with their late night dinner and then had 3 flavors of cheesecake to share for dessert. They talked, laughed, and drank their two bottles of wine - before asking for a third.

"Good thing we have someone driving us," Jimin giggled into Yoongi's neck before kissing it lightly.

"Speaking of, should we call him? So we can head out soon?"

Jin nodded to Yoongi and reached for his phone to text their driver.

They paid the server and took turns using the bathroom before heading out.

When the car pulled out of the parking lot, they turned the opposite direction of the hotel.

"Where are we going?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"It's a surprise," Jin replied with excitement in his eyes.

Jimin looked curiously at Yoongi who just smiled back at his lover.

A few minutes later, they turned a corner and The Eiffel Tower stood majestically in front of them - it's bright lights contrasting against the darkness of the night sky.

Jimin clapped his hands excitedly before grabbing onto Yoongi's arm.

"We get to see The Eiffel Tower?! Tonight?" Namjoon asked, just as excited as Jimin.

"Yeah, isn't it closed already? It's after 11," Jimin wondered aloud.

"Perks of being an idol. They are letting us go up at night for privacy," Yoongi replied with a little smirk.

"I would say don't let that go to your head BUT Im too excited right now to care. I always wanted to go here," Jimin exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Me too. Thank you for bringing us." Namjoon pecked Jin on the lips and the older got all flustered at the affection in front of their friends.

"Just don't break it Joon. I can already see the headlines now: Eiffel Tower opens late for K-Idol and his best friend destroys it!"

Jin laughed hysterically at Yoongi's imagery before shutting up under Namjoon's glare.

"Haha so funny Yoongi. As if I could break The Eiffel Tower."

"Maybe not the whole tower but at least an elevator or something."

Everyone chuckles as the car parks close to the tower for them to get out.

Namjoon and Jin climb out first. Yoongi starts to scoot toward the door and Jimin grabs his arm to stop him. When Yoongi turned back curiously, Jimin kissed him sweetly.

"Thank you for today Yoonie. It's been amazing."

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