Chapter 42

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Namjoon woke up to the sound of loud banging on his door. He had been up all night working on a clip that Yoongi sent over.

"Shit!" he yelled as he stubbed his toe on the door frame. "I'm coming!" he yelled at the person still banging on his door.

Throwing the door open, he was about to yell again before he saw Jimin standing in front of him with tears running down his cheeks. Panic overtook him instantly.

"Jimin, what's wrong?! Is Yoongi ok?"

Jimin huffed and rolled his eyes before walking right into the olders apartment. "He's fine."

Namjoon scratched his head in confusion. "Why are you crying?"

"Pfft. Like you don't know," he replied while wiping the tears that just kept flowing.

Namjoon's jaw stiffened a little at Jimin's response. "I obviously don't know. What's going on Jimin?"

The younger took out his phone before pushing it to Namjoon. "Have you seen this?"

Namjoon looked at the screen and his eyes bulged as his mouth went slack. It was an Instagram picture posted by Yoongi's ex. Wearing an Agust D shirt. He tagged Yoongi's professional page and captioned it #MissingtheD.

"I mean, what the fuck is that?!" Jimin hysterically cried.

Namjoon pulled the younger into a hug. "Have you met him? He's just being his usual assface self."

"I met him at the tour party. He wanted Yoongi back. O my God! What if Yoongi is talking to him?" Jimin wailed some more. His white tshirt was soaked from his tears.

"That's not happening. Yoongi cares about you way too much. That guy just wants attention and is using Yoongi to get it. Don't let him also cause problems in your relationship."

"But I'm so far away. What if he's lonely? Why didn't he remove the tag?"

"He might be lonely. But not enough to betray you. And never enough to go back to him. I don't know how much you know about their relationship but it ended very badly. Even if he was desperate, he wouldn't go through that again. As for the tag, Jimin, think about how busy Yoongi is right now. He's working, sleeping, or talking to you. I bet my stubbed toe he hasnt even seen the post. When was the last time you saw him post on Social and it was him and not the company?"

Jimin sniffled as Namjoons wisdom sunk in.

"Are you sure?"

"Jimin. Ive known Yoongi as long as I can remember. He doesn't commit to much. Only because the things he commits to, he puts his whole heart into. His drive. His passion. Which is fierce if you haven't noticed. And he committed to you. Fully. He won't betray you. I promise."

"I feel stupid coming over here like this. I just don't know how to feel secure with him so far away. And people wanting him the same way I do. But no one can know I want him that way."

"Don't feel stupid. I told you i'd be here to support you. I can only imagine how hard it is. But remember this when you need to feel secure: they want him that way. You have him that way. He calls you when he's happy. He calls you when he's sad or tired. He calls you when he's horny. He calls you when he needs his person. Only you."

Jimin blushed and smiled for the first time since seeing the post.


Jimin ran across his living room to grab his ringing phone from the counter.

Glancing at the name, he squealed in excitement. "Yoongi!"

"Hey my love. How are you? Full disclosure - I talked to Joon."

Jimin blushed and held his head down. "I'm sorry. I was so upset and I ambushed him. He talked his sense into me though. Im better now. I'm sorry."

"Baby, why are you apologizing? I saw the post a little while ago. I understand you being upset. I would have been too if I were in your shoes."

"No, I should have trusted you. I do trust you. I was just...I dont know. Insecure... A little embarrassed. I wish I had punched him now. I will if I get another chance," Jimin giggled.

Yoongi chuckled. "Please don't be insecure or embarrassed. He's the dumbass who posted that shit for a little attention. I untagged myself and the company sent him a message to delete the post or they will sue. It should be gone any minute."

"I'm sorry. I feel like such an idiot."

"Well your a cute idiot so you get one pass."

"Yoongi!" Jimin laughed.

Yoongi laughed too. "Im kidding. But please call me next time before you worry yourself so much. And don't doubt me. Have faith in me like I have in you. Thats all I ask."

"I promise."

"On to more important business, have you used your vibrator today?"

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