0 | Runaway

101 2 7

Nyx fumbled with the keys in their shaking hands, closing their eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply. While it didn't make their anxiousness cease, it allowed them to unlock the door to their newly bought apartment.

The trainer opened the door widely and stepped in, lines of light from behind curtains seeping into the room somewhat. They could see particles in the air near the window of their apartment's living room, and it was then they dragged in their suitcases and shut the door behind them.

Sighing lightly, the dark haired teen dug through their satchel, pulling out a shrunken pokeball, clicking the button on its center. The ball grew in size and opened, blue light flowing out.

"hey there, buddy. sorry for keeping you in there for so long."

Nyx's voice was hoarse, albeit soft as they crouched down and sat on the carpet.

Their partner, Leafeon, was looking around quickly in curiosity, not letting his gaze linger on one spot for long. The grass type then looked at his trainer and jumped into their outstretched arms. The two sat there enjoying each other's warmth for a minute, before Nyx stood.

The trainer made their way to the closed curtains, pulling them open and squinting at the light from the sun. Leafeon cried out in joy, being able to photosynthesize once more. Nyx laughed, stroking his back before gazing out and beholding the view from their new home.

"I think Accumula town will be a good place for us, don't you? It's quiet, surrounded by forest..." the fifteen year old trails off, spacing out and absentmindedly petting the pokémon in their arms.

Leafeon looks up at them and then wriggles around in their hold, making his trainer jump and startling them from their trance.

"Alright, alright. I'll let you down. You have to help unpack, though."

Leafeon sits in front of them, meeting their gaze and nodding. Nyx smiles softly before turning back to the window.

"Maybe I won't need to run away this time."

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