6 | Panic

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Night came quickly, and N was left with an exhausted teenager and 6 hyper pokémon.

"Okay. I'll get them dinner, you can go relax."

Nyx nods, yawning. Their clothes are wet from their pokémon pushing them in the fountain, and they grimace at it when they take off their sweater.

"Ew ew ew ew gross wet clothes..."

N laughs, noticing the shirt they're wearing underneath.

"I never too you for the type to wear sleeveless stuff."

Nyx shrugs. "It's comfortable. Plus, Plumes bought it for me."

N raises a brow. "The Team Skull Admin?"

Nyx nods. "That's the one. Plus, Alola is warm, like, almost 24/7." They say, a mocking tone in their voice.

N rolls his eyes, shooing them off. They groan, carrying their sweater and walk off into their bedroom, which is attached to the bathroom.

N begins to make the pokémon's dinner, listening to them chat.

"Okay, but did you guys see their face when they fell in-"

N recognizes Leafeon's voice immediately. He had yet to learn the other's, however.

"Yes! Funny!"

N glances out of the corner of his eye. Mimikyu is the one who spoke. He often speaks with just a few words per sentence, N figured out.

He finishes their different meals, setting them down one by one.

"N, dear, when are you going to tell them that you can understand us?" a feminine voice speaks, addressing N. Salazzle looks at him, a soft look him her eyes.

N shrugs. "I.. don't know for sure." He sighs, placing the last of the food down for the pokémon.

"I think you should tell them, kid." Golisopod pipes up, having similar speaking patterns to Guzma, he assumes, as Nyx had made fun of him and done an impression. He had to say, it sounded similar.

Primarina nods. Her voice is light and melodic as she talks. "I think that's a splendid idea. You know, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing they've experienced!"

N raises a brow. "What? I mean.. i know they've had it rough but.."

All of the pokémon nod.
"They've had shit happen, that's for sure." Leafeon says, stretching. He walks over to N.

"They seem to enjoy your company though."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx exists the shower, shivering at the cold. They wrap the towel around them tightly, enjoying the warmth that it brought. They place their wet clothes in their laundry basket, moving towards their closet.

They move into their bedroom, picking out clothes, changing into them.

It's when they have their shirt on, and are about to put in their shorts that they freeze.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

N turns in alarm when he hears a thud in Nyx's bedroom, and he stands quickly.

N rushes over, opening the door and scanning the room. It's decorated with fairy lights, their bed has a purple starry comforter, a lamp on their bedside table, and a digital clock. There are pictures hanging on the wall, and N presumes they're of their friends.

One is a boy around their age, his hair is a dark black, with a slight green undertone. He's wearing a black shirt, and bright orange flowery shorts, as well as flip flops. Next to him is a blond girl, wearing a nice sun hat and matching dress. She's wearing frilly knee socks baby blue marry janes. Next to her, he assumes, is her brother, because they have the same hair color, and he has his arm around her shoulder. His clothes are black and red, torn in some places. He's wearing black trainers. And next to him is...

"Please stop.. go away..!"

N whips around, hearing Nyx's voice. They're whispering, voice shaky and small. He sees them huddled in the corner of their room, rocking back and forth with their knees pressed to their chest.

His eyes widen, and he walks over to them slowly. "Nyx..? Hey, kiddo.."

They look at him, tears in their eyes. They're shaking.

"...N?.. Is.. that you?" they ask, unsure.

He looks at them confused, shaking it off. "Yeah, Nyx. It's me. Don't worry. I'm here, okay?"

Leafeon rushes in as N asks if he can hug them, and they latch onto him, burying their face in his chest.

"Oh shit they haven't been taking their medication!" Leafeon says, and N looks at him, brows raised.


The Grass Type nods, running out of the room. N continues to hold Nyx, opting to shift himself against the corner of the wall, rubbing their back and playing with their fluffy hair.

"It's okay.." He says. They shake their head.

"No! No, it's not.. They're.. they're all here..!"
N looks at them in confusion, and he realizes.

They must be hallucinating.

Leafeon soon comes in, with a bag in hand and Primarina follows, holding a water bottle.

"Okay, they uh.. they take one pill, usually. They just stopped taking it though. So this is happening" Leafeon explains, dropping the bag at his feet.

N leans over Nyx, taking the bottle out of the bag, taking a pill out. He's given the water bottle, and hands the pill to Nyx.

"Okay, it's okay.. i need you to take this pill, okay..?"

They look at him, and then the pill. They take it, glancing behind them, and quickly looking back at N, closing their eyes tightly.

"I.. Okay..."

They pop the pill in their mouth, taking the bottle N gave them and drinking the water as he hold the cap. When they're done, he takes it back and closes it. He takes their face in his hands, wiping their tears.

"Okay.. Nyx, just listen to my voice. Don't listen to anything else. Okay? Can you do that for me?" he asks, voice soft and reassuring.

They nod hesitantly.

"Good.. okay, now, breathe in... hold it... good. Now breathe out... hold it.. good. Breath in..." He tells them, caressing their face, pressing his forehead against theirs, and they close their eyes, following his breathing pattern.

The two pokémon sit and watch as the man comforts their trainer. Soon Nyx's breathing calms, and they stop crying.

They come to their senses, and wipe their eyes.

"I'm.. i'm sorry..!" They say, moving into him once more. He sigh sadly, holding them tightly. He pets their head again.

"It's okay.. you're okay.. you have nothing to be sorry about. Let's.. get you into bed, yeah?" He says softly, picking them up as he stands, walking over to their bed. He sets them down gently, but they pull him onto it too, and now they both are laying down.

"Sorry.. can you.. just.. stay?"

They ask, voice soft, as they start drifting off.

N smiles, pulling them closer to him.

"Of course I can."

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