17 | N's Truth Revealed.

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The two trainers wake up with a start as the alarm clock in their hotel room goes off, and they glance at each other, Nyx being startled more than N. They laugh it off, though, and signal that they're okay.

N nods, standing up and packing his backpack, while the younger trainer does the same.

Nyx glances at their phone screen, checking the time and the multitude of messages their loved ones back in Alola have sent.

They groan.

"What's the matter?"

N's voice reaches their ears as he walks over to them, towering over their form and they show him the screen.

"Damn... 103 notifications. Are you going to answer them?"

Nyx shrugs. "Maybe. It's been about a month now, right?" They turn to him, looking up to his face.

N nods in confirmation. "Mhm. A month since we met. Time flies."

Nyx hums in thought. "It's weird. It's only been one month, but I feel like I've known you my entire life..."

N listens to their whispers, closing his eyes. He sighs quietly.

Fuck. His mind was betraying him again, wasn't it? He pushes his guilty thoughts to the back of his mind.

"It does feel like that, doesn't it."

"I guess we really are platonic soulmates, huh?" Nyx smiles widely, closing their eyes in happiness. N's gaze softens at the sight, and he pulls them into a hug, causing them to drop the clothes they were currently folding.

"...What's this for..?"

N stays quiet, playing with the kid's brown hair.

"I'm sorry for lying to you.. We've been having more fights lately, I don't want to make you uncomfortable with questions. I know it seems like I don't care about what happened to you, but I do. I'm sorry."

N tenses as the younger in his arms is quiet, as they don't give a response. He pulls away, only to see them on the verge of tears.

"Shit, I'm sorry—"

Nyx cuts them off, and pulls him back into the hug. "Shut up."

"Just.. let me hug you, N." They whisper. "It's fine. Not the worst thing I've been lied to about. You just.. got uncomfortable with the idea of me watching you battle. I don't care anymore.."

They ramble on, and N listens to every word they say, as usual.

"I'm just happy you're here."

They look up at him as they say that, tears streaming down their face. They're smiling, and N feels himself tear up too.

Soon, both of them are crying messes, just standing in their shared hotel room with unpacked items scattered around.

They both look at each other in silence, until Nyx bursts out laughing.

"Oh my god we are so stupid aren't we."

N tilts his head playfully, raising his brow. "I don't know about me, but you? Yeah, maybe."

Nyx fakes offense, scoffing and pushing him away softly. "Wow. How dare you. I'm so hurt."

N shakes his head at their act, as they dramatically fall back on the bed they slept in. He smiles, getting an idea.

"N? What's with that look. Should I be scared?"

He doesn't respond, and simply starts tickling them. They yell and laugh, trying to get away until he picks them up, holding them over his shoulder.

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