11 | Crossed Paths

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N awoke with a slightly sore back and with the sun in his eyes.

Nyx was still sound asleep on top of him, their hair laid out across his chest. He played with hit briefly before hugging them, and gently pulling them off of him, allowing him to sit up.

He groaned in pleasure as his back cracked, yawning as he sat up. Nyx now lay on the soft grass, and he took his jacket off, placing it under their head as a makeshift pillow.

He smiled at them.

"Alright. Zoroark, you up?"

The dark type whined, asking N for just five more minutes. The green haired trainer shook his head, laughing.

"No, we need to start breakfast."

With that, N stood up and walked over to their small fire set up, the one they had used the last night to cook dinner and create lights without wasting their flashlight batteries.

He starts it again, with help from Salazzle, who was already up.

He nods to her in thanks, and begins rummaging through his backpack, eyes lighting up at what he finds.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx wakes up to Leafeon's ass in their face, they yell in surprise and sit up, making him lose balance and fall softly into the grass.

"What the fuck, dude."

They deadpan, and the pokémon simply laughs, N laughing along with him. They glare at the two, rolling their eyes while trying to fight a smile of fondness off their face.

"God, I can't get mad at you two greenies."


Nyx shrugs, taking N's jacket and putting it on, the sleeves being too long. They look through their bag and take out their hairbrush, brushing their hair.

"You're both green."

N pauses at the explanation, shaking his head in disbelief.


"Oh come on! It's good!" Nyx argues. N laughs again, walking over to them with a plate of pancakes and fresh berries.

Nyx's eyes light up at the food, and they thank him before taking it, digging in. It's then they notice that in the distance, behind N and his cooking station, their other pokémon are out and about, playing with N's Zoroark and each other, having already eaten breakfast.

They smile happily at the scene.

Everything is perfect.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

The two of them finally reach Striation City, and Nyx looks around in excitement. They spot the gym easily, with its big sign over the doorway, looking out onto the city. Nyx tug son N's sleeve excitedly.

They fail to notice his darkening expression as his eyes land on the building.

N looks at them briefly, eyes softening at the sight of their form, feeling the happiest radiating off of them. He huffs fondly, his dark expression hiding behind one of affection for the kid next to him, and he pulls them into a hug suddenly.

They tense, he notices, but relaxes into it easily, burying their face in his chest, humming in enjoyment. He runs his hand through their hair.

"Look..They don't let more than one person in the Gym at a time.. So.." He speaks softly to them, and they look up at him, eyes wide.

"I can't watch your battle..?"

He nods sadly, pouting almost.

"Yeah..I'm sorry."

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