18 | Light

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Nyx ran over to N excitedly, hugging him as soon as they were within reach.

They wrapped their arms around him, burrying their face in chest, hugging him tightly. Usually N would reciprocate the affection, playing with their hair or hugging them back.

So, when N didn't do anything back, Nyx looked up in concern.

His eyes were glued to Hilda's retreating form, his gaze cold and almost angry.

Their brows furrowed, and they pulled on his jacket, trying to get his attention. It worked, he glanced at them and smiled, but he ultimately went back to watching Hilda leave the amusement park.

Nyx was dumbfounded, clearly something was wrong, but they didn't know how to go about this.

Especially when N seemed to be angry.

They took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling fully, before letting go of N, and kicking him lightly in the shin.

N's expression changed to one of shock as he felt the kick, and he turned to the fifteen year old. Nyx looked concerned, and he figured they definitely were with the tone of their voice and next words.

"Are you okay..?"

N looks at them for a good minute, wordlessly. It makes Nyx shift their weight to their other foot in nervousness.

N sighs. "I don't know. But, I think as long as you're here, it'll be fine."

Nyx smiles up at him reassuringly. His face softens, fondness taking over whatever was left of the anger after his conversation with the trainer.

N pulls them in for a hug, and they hum in delight. The two of them stand there for a few minutes.

The day was almost over. The two of them spent half of it traveling to Nimbasa City, and the other half was spent running around the city and for Nyx, fighting Team Plasma.

For N, it was saving Team Plasma.

Nyx yawns before letting go of N and pulling out Leafeon's pokeball.

N's come to recognize it. The top half which would usually be red is painted a beautiful sage green, small white flowers dotting the surface.

They clicked the button, and the Grass Type pokémon jumped onto N as soon as he was let out.

"He uh, he was worried about you."

N glances to said pokémon, who scoffs playfully. To Nyx, it's just playful noises, but to N, "They were more worried than I was, greenie."

N takes playful offense to the Pokémon's nickname for him, and in retaliation Leafeon takes his hat, jumps onto Nyx and puts it on their head.

They laugh as N tries to get it back, running away and dodging his attempts to grab them.

"Race you to the Center!"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

N held Nyx in his arms as he lay on the bed, sighing continuously for the hour they had been passed out.

As soon as they sat down next to him on his bed in their shared room, Nyx closed their eyes and fell asleep.

It was refreshing to see them fall asleep so fast, but now he was stuck and feeling like shit.

Especially after what happened today, and ESPECIALLY while they were cuddled up on top of him, using his chest as a pillow and while he was playing with their hair.

Their partner came prancing up onto the bed, circling around and laying down.

He eyes N for a moment, and said man sweat drops.

"What's the matter?"

N is shocked at the Pokémon's question, his brows are raised and eyes slightly wider, and he's more awake.


"Obviously something is wrong. You've been looking sad and guilty and have been sighing over and over for the past hour. What's wrong."

N hums in thought.

"I'm the King of Team Plasma."

"Oh shit."

N nearly does a double take at the Pokémon's choice words, and coughs.

"Does Nyx know?"

"No. Obviously not. Hilda does, though."

Leafeon nods in thought.

"You should probably tell them at some point."

"They'll hate me."

The grass type stands, stretching out before walking over to N.

"They won't hate you. They'll be mad, sure. They won't understand, and they'll probably yell and not talk to you for a while because that's how they get when they're lied to. But you, N, make them happy. This is the happiest ANY of us have seen them. Ever."

He pauses. "And that's saying a lot. Because I've been with them since they were 6."

N smiles sadly, looking at Nyx. Their sleeping face is peaceful, their mouth curved into small smile, barely visible.

"Maybe they won't hate me, but I'll hate myself for not telling them."

N goes quiet for a moment, staring at Nyx's sleeping form before turning to their partner.

"What happened in Alola?"

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