22 | Separation

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The next 2 weeks went by quickly for Nyx and N, moving from city to city. N challenging gym after gym. Now they were in Icirrus City.

The two of them spent time together, as they usually would. However, N would run more errands by himself, never telling Nyx anything.

One time, he came back with a drawing of a rock.

There was nothing particularly special about it. Nyx had laughed about that, and N just rolled his eyes, smiling at their antics.

But, if Nyx thought that wasn't weird enough, Hilda ignored them, not bothering to talk to them or wave back when Nyx waved to her in the streets.

It made them sad. They're sure N noticed, no matter how much they thought they were covering it up, because he stayed with them for 3 days, neither of them leaving the other's sight except for if they were getting ready for the day or for bed.

Bet even while Nyx fell asleep in his arms, warmth and the steady pace of his heartbeat, the rise and fall of his chest, N's mind was racing.

Faster than it ever had before.

He pulled the teen he cared so much for closer to him unconsciously as he thought about it.

It was almost time. It was going to happen.

Nyx would find out, and that would be it. He could go back to being alone, a friend to only pokémon. Hating humans, all of them.

He had been trying to distance himself, but when he saw Nyx affected, his heart hurt and his guilty conscience yelled at him.

They don't need you to hurt them, too. They've been through enough.

And he caved with those thoughts, rushing over to them, hugging them, brushing their hair with his fingers, reassuring them, apologizing, promising he wouldn't ever leave as they cried, tiring themselves out so much that he laid down with them on their bed in the shared room the two of them had. They laid on top of him, as they always did, and N felt himself relax at their weight on top of him.

He had wrapped his arms around them, playing with their chocolate brown hair, coaxing them to sleep with reassurances and promises.

He knew that he would break all of them.

But they needed this right now. They needed him.

And he needed them.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx woke up with N still in bed with them.

It was assuring. Comfortable.

To see their home still with them, it made them happy.

N saw they were awake, his blue eyes meeting their own grey ones, and he smiled at them, messing up their hair, ruffling it as he did all the time.

They huffed, sitting up. He followed, yawning.

"What do you want for break?"

Nyx thought for a moment, also yawning, the breaths contagious. "Pancakes?"

N hums, nodding. "Sounds good. Let's go?"

Nyx smiles. "Let's."

The two of them leave their shared room in the Pokémon Center, walking to the main hall's cafe, ordering before grabbing a table for 2.

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