C̷h̷a̷p̷t̷e̷r̷ ̷2̷0̷

6 0 6

The two teens walked out of the building. One was blonde with striking green eyes, the other was brunette, their eyes a cool grey-blue.

"So you're the one Plumeria has been talking about."

Nyx looks at him, shocked. "She talks about me? I wouldn't have expected that from her."

Gladion shakes his head. "I gathered it was you from the way those grunts reacted to being told off. They listened without question..." he trails off.

Nyx shrugs, walking ahead of him. "It's whatever. I've been gone for.. 2 years? I'm surprised they still listen."

Gladion furrows his brows and looks them over.

Leafeon is at their side, brown wavy hair short and tied back. The yellow hoodie they're wearing is faded, but on the back of it is the unmistakable logo of TeamSkull.

"Why'd you leave, anyway?" he asks, raising a brow. Nyx laughs.

"I wanted to go on a journey. To get stronger. To find myself." They turn to him, a wide smile across their face.

"So far, it's been an absolute blast."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

The two trainers ran through Aether Paradise, the clean white tile floor and walls making the place seem uncomfortably like a doctor's office.

They lead the way, knowing their way around, two others behind them.

"Nyx, who would have the key card? Do you know?"

Said teen hums, turning to Sun, a raven haired trainer with blue eyes, who they had befriended during his Island Challenge. Nyx glances at the blonde next to them, and he nods.

"Faba would, most likely. Wicke might, but she.. she would just give it to us."

Frantic steps can be heard coming towards the group of four, and Aether Foundation employees surround them.

"Oh geez..." Sun mutters.

"Looks like we have you cornered." An old man says, and Hau, the last trainer in the group, and the youngest, smiles in response.

"So...Mr Faba, do you have the key to the president's room?"

The blond boy glanced and smiled at Nyx as they stifled a laugh at Faba's shocked expression. The anger in his eyes behind his glasses gave off a look that could kill, but Hau didn't notice, as he just laughed.

"You.. wretched children! I'll stop you here! I cannot let you interfere with the President's plans!" He yelled.

Hau jumped and turned to Sun. "Come on, Sunshine! Let's show em just what our Pokémon are made of! For Lillie and Cosmog, too!"

The ravenette blushed at the nickname, but nodded determinedly. Gladion then turned to face Nyx.

The brunette already had their pokeball out in their hand, and the two nodded.

"Type: Null! Let's go!"

"Shall we wipe the floor with them, Golisopod?"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Gladion didn't think he'd ever see his best friend so peaceful, and if it were any other circumstance, he'd be relieved.

But not while they were asleep in a hospital bed.

The poison from Nihilego almost invading their body was evident in the color of their fingertips; a deep purple fading into their regular color.

Their face wasn't as sun kissed as it usually was, either. It was pale instead of the red from the sunburn people always seem to have in Alola.

The blonde sighed heavily. He took their hand in his, which was usually cold in comparison to theirs, but this time they won that competition.

"Please be okay, Nyx... I cant loose you, too." he whispered.

Guzma quietly stood in the doorway, watching the teen and his kid.

He walked away without a word, the only thing in his mind being guilt.

So much guilt.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx stood at the pier in Hau'oli City, the sun rising as they stood in the ticket line impatiently.

Leafeon nudged their leg, and they sighed.

"I know, I know. I'll try to be more patient."

The grass type shook his head, and his trainer frowned.

"I... I know. I should say goodbye but.. I just can't. I can't. I wouldn't be able to go if I did, okay?"

Nyx's eyes water up, and they wipe them dry before tears threaten to fall.


Their head turns to see their best friend. The boy is out of breath, Type: Null behind him. He shakes his head.

"You.. really were going to leave without saying goodbye." He whispers.

"What the fuck!"

The profanity catches some attention, but the blonde boy doesn't pay it any mind as he walks up to his friend. "You're terrible."

Nyx nods. "I know. I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't."

Their voice breaks, and his eyes soften from the daggers he was glaring at them. Gladion hugs them tightly for a second before letting go.

"It's.. It's okay. We'll be fine." he smiles.

Nyx nods, walking to the ticket counter, pulling out their wallet. They jump when a 10 dollar bill is placed on the table.

"One ticket to..?"

"I.. Unova.." Nyx says, dumbfounded.

Gladion smiles, nodding. "One ticket to Unova, please."

The lady at the counter prints it out and hands slides it on the table. Nyx takes it before turning to thank Gladion, but they find he's already walking away.

As he does, he thinks he's glad they can't see his face.

He wouldn't want them to come running just because of a few tears, after all.

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