2 | Not a Friend

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Nyx followed Patrat obediently, watching out for any aggressive wild pokémon, not seeing many at all.

This surprised them, they had to be deep in the forest by now, so where were all the wild pokémon?

The teen shook their head, sighing and rolling their eyes.

"I overthink too much.." they mutter, not expecting Leafeon to turn his head to them as he walked with the scout pokémon, agreeing with what Nyx had said.

"Wha- you weren't supposed to agree, dude." They groan, and the two pokémon make sounds akin to laughter, and soon Nyx is laughing along with them.

They walk for a few more minutes, coming to a stop as Patrat points out an abandoned building, moss and vines growing wildly all over its walls.

"Oh damn that is one dilapidated building-" they breathe, watching Patrat and Leafeon run towards it. They laugh nervously.

"Oh gods okay, we're going in there? You know what, not as bad as the supermarket back in Alola.."

Nyx shudders at the thought. The Ghost Type trial took place in an abandoned and destroyed haunted supermarket. It required you to take a photo of the totem pokémon, Mimikyu, although it was much bigger than the one Nyx found during the trial.

The poor thing's cloak was torn, and he was hiding under a bucket. Nyx took the time during the trial to fix it, giving it back to Mimikyu, and he insisted that he come with afterwards.

With the changing memory, the teenager smiles and pulls out a pokeball, painted like Mimikyu's cloak.

They release the ghost type and have him follow along into the building, Leafeon and Patrat waiting by a slightly open door.

They walk inside, cautiously.

After the group shuts the door behind them, a person steps out into the clearing near the building, his brows furrowed.

"Huh..." He trails off, hand on his cap's brim. He pulls it down, glancing at the pokémon behind him.

"What do you make of this, Zoroark?"

The black wolf pokémon shrugs, huffing in distaste.

"Yeah. I don't like it either."

The two open the door and follow inside.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx was not expecting the amount of pokémon in the building.

Or the fact that so many of them were injured.

They hurried, pulling out as many potions as they could, trying their best to heal everyone, but it was hard to when most of the pokémon seemed scared of them.

They wondered.

"Leafeon, Mimikyu, can you try to calm them down? I don't think they've had good experiences with humans.."

The two pokémon nod firmly, wandering to different pokémon around the room the group was currently in, and they soon after some convincing allowed Nyx to treat their wounds.

Patrat came up to them and hugged their leg again. Nyx smiles.

"It's my pleasure, Patrat. I hate to see pokémon in pain."

"Then why do you make them fight?"

A man's voice shocks Nyx, and their head snaps up. Blue meets Grey as the two of them stare at each other.

Nyx tenses, and looks over the man's shoulder, spotting a Zoroark, one of the first pokémon familiar to them in Unova.

"I.. didn't hear you come in. Who are you?"

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