23 | Magic Rocks

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Nyx held a cup of hot cocoa in their hands, blowing on it silently as those sitting around them talked, discussing what they were going to do. They take a sip, recoiling slightly at the heat of the drink on their tongue but hum softly in delight as the taste of chocolate fills their senses.

A man with wild red hair spoke firmly, standing.

"Hilda, everyone, we need to go retrieve the dark stone from Relic Ruins in the desert."

"Alright. I'll come help you look soon." Hilda nodded firmly.

The brunette sat next to them, glancing in their direction every so often, to see if they were still crying. To see if they're okay.

In truth, they felt numb. Tired, sad.

They didn't know what to think. N was the leader behind Team Plasma.

They wanted to be angry at him. They wanted to yell, scream, shout at him. Not that he was here to do that even if they still wished they could.

But, they couldn't be angry. Nyx couldn't bring themself to find any hate or anger in their heart for him.

They hated that fact. Especially after what happened in Alola, but, they supposed they understood why.

N was their home, their person. They loved him, needed him.

They just wished he felt the same.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Hours later, Nyx stood with Hilda outside of some ruins in a red desert, wind causing the grains to almost blow into their eyes.

They cursed under their breath, and Hilda giggled a bit at their reaction.

"Not used to it?"

Nyx shakes their head. "Not entirely. There was a desert like this in Alola, but it's been a while since I was there."

Hilda hums.

The two of them enter the ruins, descending into it's caverns. They walk inside the ruins in silence, until Nyx gathers the courage to ask Hilda a question. One that had been burning in their mind since that afternoon.

"You knew, right? That's what you wanted to tell me?"

Hilda froze, looking at them like a Deerling in headlights. She nods slowly.

"I'm sorry. I just.. you were so happy with him. I didn't want to ruin that."

Nyx shakes their head, cool grey eyes almost lifeless.

"It's fine. I would've found out one way or another. I'm not angry at you. It's not your fault."

The two continue in a somewhat comfortable silence, knowing that there's no bad blood between either of them.

They walk down the stairs to the lowest floor of the ruins. Hilda stops when she sees Ghetsis standing in front of the current Champion of Unova, Alder.

Nyx bumps into her, nearly knocking her down the stairs. They apologize quietly, listing intently to the two men's conversation.

Alder glances at them, calling them over.

"You two! Come to my side." He smiles.

The two teens step down the stairs, Hilda still in front of Nyx, almost as if she were trying to shield them from Ghetsis's gaze.

The other man laughs lowly, speaking finally. "It looks like everyone is here. It seems you are working hard to resurrect Zekrom, the other Dragon-type pokémon, aren't you?"

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