16 | Ghetsis's Return

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As soon as Nyx got into Castellia City, N went straight for the Gym, leaving the teen behind. Nyx decided that they would ice cream for their whole team. Hopefully it would calm them down.

Nyx was still sore about their fight, about everything.

About... that.

Their PTSD, from the Alola Incident.

N didn't ask questions, and they were thankful for that, but.. at the same time, they wished he did.

Because then it would seem like it mattered to him.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

N was torn, unbeknownst to Nyx.

He wanted desperately to know what happened.

What happened to the kid that he travels with. The one so much like the abused and abandoned pokémon he grew up with.

What happened to his platonic soulmate?

He acknowledged that now. On their walk to Castellia City, Nyx called them kindred spirits, soulmates, even.

He.. accepted that now. But after what happened with Team Plasma, he didn't know what to do.

He didn't know wether he should ask and understand or leave it be.

If that was their response to something that reminded them of it, then he didn't know if he wanted to know what caused it. He didn't want to know what was so bad that they forced themself away from people.

He could tell. Every time they hug, they tensed in his arms, and then relaxed.

Every. Single. Time.

He beat the Gym Leader, Burgh, easily. The designer's bug types were no match for him, even though they were strong.

As soon as he walked out of the Gym, however, he spotted Team Plasma grunts stealing a pokémon from a blond haired trainer.

She tried to fight them, but she lost the battle ultimately.

N shook his head, gaze dark before walking in the opposite direction, never looking back.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx heard the commotion as Hilda ran towards them, and they smiled. Behind her, was a girl with blonde hair, much like their friend, Lillie, from Alola.

"Nyx! Nyx! You need to help us! Team Plasma took Bianca's pokémon!"

Hilda yells, pointing at her friend, the girl behind her.

Nyx stands immediately, becoming dizzy as they do so, but shaking it off and nodding.

"Let's go."

The three rush off, another girl named Iris joining them soon after they get to where Team Plasma is located. The four of them pause in shock at the sight.

The Gym Leader, Burgh, is standing outside his gym while grunts guard the entrance.

"They're blocking the entrance? Why..?"

Hilda shakes her head in thought, and Burgh fights the grunts, granting the five of them a way in. The 3 girls and Nyx follow Burgh through, and all stop in surprise as they see Ghetsis standing in the Gym's Lobby, two other Plasma members with him, although they aren't grunts.

Ghetsis pauses his sentence when he sees the group enter, and he smiles with fake warmth, the expression sensing chills down everyone's spines as his eyes gaze over and linger on every single one of them, stopping the longest on Hilda and Nyx.

Said trainer's brows furrow, and Nyx's expression in particular sharpens when he looks at them, as do his.

Ghetsis scoffs, before turning to the Bug-type specialist.

"My word, if it isn't the Gym Leader, Burgh."

Said man rolls his eyes. "Leave, Ghetsis. Give me back my Gym."

"Indeed... No matter. We already have an exceptional base of operations." He pauses, "Is everyone familiar with the legend of the founding of the Unova region?"

Nobody answers, and he takes this as a sign to begin speaking again.

"The truth is this... The white dragon appeared before a hero who sought the true way to knit together a world full of warring people. This white Dragon-type Pokémon shared its knowledge--and bared its fangs at those who stood against it."

"Together, the power of this Pokémon and the hero brought unity to the hearts of everyone in the land, and that is how Unova was created."

"We shall bring back the hero and that Pokémon to Unova once again! If we can win people's hearts and minds, we can easily create the world that I--I mean, Team Plasma--desires!"

The 5 trainers listen carefully to the story, all of them annoyed by old man in from of them.

Hilda nods her head. "I think I might've heard the story before.."

"Myah-ha-ha-ha! You are quite hard to figure out--a little more intelligent than I'd expected. I am fond of intelligent people, you see. You'll enjoy hearing about this... From every corner of the world, I have gathered knowledgeable people for our king's benefit. You could call them the Seven Sages. Very well! We will submit to your opinion and be on our way."

Nyx perks up at this. "You mean you're not in charge? Who is?!"

They yell, expression sharp. Ghetsis turns to the brown haired teen, grimacing in annoyance.

"I wouldn't dare give up shut sensitive information. Anyway. That girl over there... Return her Pokémon!"

He points to Bianca, the blond, and the grunts next to him hurry over with her Pokémon.

"The friendship between Pokémon and people can be very touching. But, in order to liberate Pokémon from foolish people, we will revive the legend of Unova--and win the hearts and minds of everyone. Farewell..."

Ghetsis makes a mysterious and annoying exit, as the 5 trainers sigh in relief.

Burgh checks up with everyone, and after confirming that nobody is injured, he allows them to go.

Nyx walks out of the Castelia City Gym with Iris, Hilda and Bianca, and the three of them thank Nyx for their help.

They brush it off. "Any chance to annoy Team Plasma is a win for me. Hey, Iris, Bianca, take my phone number. If you need anything, I'll be there."

The girls nod enthusiastically, smiling. The air is light with the sun high in the sky. Leafeon sits on his trainer's shoulders before hopping onto Iris's, then Bianca's.

The 4 laugh, failing to notice N walking up behind them.

Their laughter dies now, and Leafeon jumps from Bianca to Nyx, who goes to catch him, but he instead jumps to N, who's presence is now known.

N laughs softly and Nyx groans, and they turn to him.

"N! How was your battle?"

The green haired trainer smiles softly at them, "It was good. I won."

Nyx cheers quietly, as the three girls watch the exchange. Hilda in particular looks uncomfortable, shifting her weight constantly from each leg.

But, as she watches them walk away together after Nyx bids them goodbye, she can't help but feel that maybe N was telling the truth.

Maybe he does really care about them.

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