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Chapter 2

The Runaway

"What?! You want to take on the Island Challenge?!"

When Guzma's words booked through the mansion, everything froze. He was on the stairway, looking down.

Nyx stood in front of him, face determined. Around the main hallway, different Team Skull grunts listened to them, and leaning over the railing of the top floor was Plumeria.

"Yes. I do." Nyx spoke, putting their hands in the pockets of their custom Team Skull jacket, the one Plumeria gave to them for their birthday that year.

Guzma laughs crazily, ruffling his hair. "What is wrong with you?!"

Nyx's eyes narrow, their expression annoyed, borderline angry.

"Nothing. If you'd just hear me out!-"

"No." Guzma cuts them off, and turns away from them, walking up the stairs.

"What the fuck?!" They yell, stepping forward.

Guzma turned towards them again, looking down at the kid he had grown so close to over the past year and a half. The 14 year old was angry, he could tell.

He knew what angry looked like, and how it felt.

He glanced at Plumeria, who looked at him, glaring daggers at him, more like, and whispered.

"You fucking idiot!"

Guzma sighs.

"Fine then. Battle me."

The grunts watching the exchange whispered, looking between the two trainers.

"What..?" Nyx asked, confused.

"If you beat me, you can go on that stupid challenge. If you lose, you stay here. "

Nyx thought about it, and nodded.

"You're on."

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx stood there, brows furrowed, their eyes wide.

"I lost..." they breathed, returning their final pokémon, Primarina, to her pokeball.

Guzma shook his head, returning his Golisopod to its ball, and walked back up the stairs.

"You're not going, then. End of conversation." He said, his voice was firm. There wasn't room to argue anymore. Nyx knew that.

They shook their head, closing their eyes tightly.

"I should've never said yes to staying here. I would have been just fine on my own." They say.

The grunts around them stop whispering, Plumeria's eyes widened, and Guzma stopped walking, looking at them.

Nyx knew they fucked up, especially when they saw the hurt in his eyes.

"...I didn't mean that.." They whisper, tears welling up in their eyes.

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