9 | A Child of the Moon

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Soon, night fell. Nyx and N decided to set up camp, even if it was more like N forcing Nyx to rest, not wanting to travel at night like they did.

Even though the younger complained, N new they were having fun camping with him.

Nyx currently, was braiding N's long hair, or, trying to.

"Why does your hair have so many god damn tangles.." they whine, and N just laughs in response.

"Probably because I used to live around wild pokémon. Before I went with you, anyway."

Nyx let's out a soft noise of acknowledgement, as if having an aha moment, and they continue to brush through his hair, apologizing whenever they brush through a tangle. N never minds, though he knew that if it was anyone else he knew he'd be annoyed.

He knows he wouldn't ever be able to get mad at them.

So, for the sake of making them happy, he sits through the draining process of having his wild, minty green hair brushed and soon braided.

He smiles at their look of amazement when they see his hair finished.

The sun sets completely, the moon and stars now reigning over the sky, and N watches as Nyx lays on his chest, cuddling him. They gaze at the moon longingly again, a look he sees often when they are outside at night.

They play with the keychain on their bag, it being a plush pokeball, their bag itself in their lap. Nyx soon falls asleep, not bothering to move it.

N smiles at their sleepy form, their face and cheek squished as they lay on him, and he kisses their temple. His eyes a the fondest they've ever been in a long time.

He lets out his main companion, Zoroark, to which the pokémon hugs his head gently, before sniffing the sleeping child in his hold.

N smiles at Zoroark, nodding at the pokémon's question of wether they can be trusted.

The nineteen year old runs a hand through their hair, and he smiles again,  sighing heavily in happiness, pulling them closer to him.

The items in their bag make noise, and it falls over with the shift of their weight, a pokeball rolling out of it.

The ball is one N has seen Nyx playing with before, the one painted to look just like the starry sky they were laying under at that moment.

N knew it was hand painted by them, and he picked it up gently.

He wondered. Did this have a pokémon inside it? If it did, he'd be able to hear them, but.. there's no voice coming from inside.

He'd seen Nyx tossing the ball back and forth between their hands, and playing with it gently as a fidget.

He didn't know, though. He couldn't tell.

"And if there is a pokémon inside of here.. why haven't they brought them out?"

N wonders aloud, turning to Zoroark, who nods along with him in agreement.

So, akin to a curious child exploring the world for the first time, he clicks the button on the ball.

To his surprise, it opens, and a form of light is released in front of him.

The pokémon was large, much bigger than any of Nyx's other companions. It resembled a large bat, standing at around 13 feet tall. It's wings were adorned with 4 pointed stars, and crescent moons lining the top half of them. Its tail was lined with one as well.

Its wings themselves were a deep iridescent blue, with what seemed like stars twinkling in them, almost like the night sky itself.

It had a short snout, it's eyes were a dark pink, and it's pupils were white. On its forehead was the same dark blue as its wings, and it shined like the night sky, too. There's a crescent shaped hood that wraps around it's head, and drapes down it's neck.

N laid there in shock, going pale. He pulled Nyx closer to him unconsciously.

The pokémon stood there, towering over them.

"You'll be good for them."

N froze. The pokémon's voice was melodic, almost feminine, but not at the same time. It's tone was sincere, as were it's words.

"What.. type of pokémon are you..?" He breathed, asking it a question.

The pokémon looked towards the sky, the moon.

"Lunala, the legendary pokémon that controls the Moon. Nyx is my keeper, a devot protector and appreciator of the Moon."

The being, as he now knows as Lunala, spoke calmly, an edge of fondness in their voice.

"They enjoy your company and trust you fully, young one. You'd best not take advantage of that."

N nods slowly, brows furrowing.

"Well, you'd best put me back in my ball, we wouldn't want people to see me, or Nyx to wake up. Would we?" They say, slightly teasing N.

N nods. "My curiosity has been filled, I suppose.."

Lunala laughs softly. The stars in their wings twinkle in response. "Yes. Though I do suppose you have questions, but those can be answered by them."

Lunala looks down fondly at its trainer, who is still sleeping soundly against N, cuddling into him. Their hair is in their face, covering their eyes. N smiles softly at them.

"Right.. Okay, then. Lunala, it was.. nice meeting you."

"It was nice to meet you too, young N. I am glad to have met the person responsible for their recent amount of happiness." It smiled down at him, and N could feel the appreciation in its gaze, but also the underlying threat of a warning.

N returns Lunala to its pokeball, placing it in Nyx's bag, moving it off their lap. He then kisses the top of Nyx's head again, closing his eyes and sighing heavily before opening them again.

"Oh gods. This kid is more interesting than I thought..." He mutters, Zoroark now sleeping next to him.

He closes his eyes finally after staring at the bright full moon before going to sleep.

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