13 | Within The Mind of N

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N lay awake, wondering.

What was wrong with him?

He huffed, pressing his lips to Nyx's head again, giving them another soft kiss, playing with their hair absentmindedly.

"What to do.. What to do..."

He closed his eyes, feeling sleep longing to come over him, longing to rest.

Yet he couldn't, not yet.

N lay there awake, his guilt and anger killing him. He didn't know what to do. First Nyx. He could deal with Nyx.

But Nyx is..


He loved them, he thought. Maybe that's what that overwhelming feeling of fondness and attachment was. It was odd to him. He had never liked or was bothered for people, only ever befriending pokémon.

So it was strange. How could Nyx worm their way into his heart after only a few weeks? How could they even be capable of doing such a thing?

How did they get N to care about them so much.

Why does N care about them so much?

He promised to protect them. He wanted to keep that promise desperately.

And then, that girl.. Hilda.

She was his rival, she knew that. N didn't think that she knew Nyx was his friend, though.

Or maybe she did. Nyx didn't say at dinner.

It concerned him. That girl.


She was the one, he decided.

He didn't doubt it anymore.

As he's lost in thought, he feels Nyx shift in his hold, and he hushes them. They nuzzle into his touch, and N nearly melts at them.

"They really did get to me..." he whispers, smiling.

It's only then he goes to sleep.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

When Nyx wakes up, they are stuck in N's arms, and their face erupts in red in embarrassment. They vividly remember their freak out from the night before, but relish in the warmth and physical touch from him.

They lay there cuddling him still, and study his sleeping face.

His minty green hair is in his face, covering one of his eyes as he sleeps soundly. He looks tired, having rings around his eyes.

They stared at him for a few minutes, before opting to simply just cuddle him more.

They sigh in content, and silently wish for every day to be like this.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

When N finally woke up, he smiled at Nyx as they were cuddling him.

He went to get up, but the 15 year old dragged him back to bed for more affection, and him being him, he couldn't say no.

So, now, the two of them were finally back on the road, on their way to Nacrene City.

In order to get to said city, they have to go through the Wellspring Cave.

"It could be easy to get lost in there, so you'll have to be careful, okay?"

N says, glancing at Nyx as they nod.


The two walk side by side in a comfortable silence, the only sound being their breathing and steps on the dirt path.

Nyx is holding N's hand, swinging their arm back and forth as they walk. N smiles at the action, and he's reminded that Nyx is a child, even if they don't seem like it a lot of the time.

They come up to the cave quickly, and N leads Nyx in.

The walk is quiet, cave ambiance surrounding them. N holds Nyx's hand tightly as they walk through the darkness, only lit up by N's flashlight.

The walk goes smoothly until they encounter a group of wild Woobat.

In the darkness of the cave and confusion of running away, they are separated.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

"N?! N!" Nyx calls out, panic in their voice.

They're in a cave, by themself. Sure, their pokémon are with them, but their comfort person is, well.

Definitely not with them.

They place a hand in the wall of the cave to the right of them, and keep it on there, using it to navigate through the dark.

As they panic, they try to remember that they've done this before. It's just like the Diglett Tunnels on Akala, they reason.

Except those caves are much, much more spacious.

Nyx grabs their phone and turns the flashlight on, using it to see in the dark.

They keep walking, soon hearing voices. They come across Hilda and the black haired boy fighting two Team Plasma grunts, and their eyes widen.

They watch the battle, moving towards them.

"Hey! You two!"

The four trainers turn to look at Nyx, their eyes all widening.

"You're the kid who keeps beating us all!" One of the grunts yell.

Nyx rolls their eyes before smiling smugly.

"Sore losers, I take it?"

As they banter with the grunt, their partners pokémon faints, as does theirs, and they lose the battle.

Hilda and her friend approach Nyx. The girl smiles at them, and Nyx smiles back.

"Care to introduce me?" They motion to Hilda's friend.

"This is Cheren. He's one of my rivals."

Cheren nods, smiling at Nyx and holding out his hand. Nyx takes it, and they shake hands, smiling at one another.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Nyx."

They release hands, and Nyx starts to explain their situation.

Hilda and Cheren nod, and offer to take them out of the cave, they found the way out, but it was being blocked by the grunts.

Nyx thanks them, and follows them out.

By some miracle, as they reach the exit of Wellspring cave, N is standing there.

Nyx's eyes light up.

"N!" They rush over to him, hugging him tightly. His eyes widen at them, but his face turns from shock to concern and worry in an instant.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt at all?"

The 15 year old laughs. "I'm fine. Just a bit shaken, if anything."

N smiles at them, eyes soft.

For the two trainers watching the interaction, it is a first to see him like this.

As Nyx begins to explain what happened, N turns to Hilda and Cheren. His eyes darken, unbeknownst to Nyx, who keeps talking.

He turns back to them, and speaks.

"You should go get to the Pokémon Center and get looked at. I need to talk to these two for a bit, okay?"

His voice is gentle, as he usually is with them, but Nyx can feel an underlying message.

"You shouldn't question this. Please don't question this."

So they don't. They simply nod, believing that N has his reasons.

So they exit the cave, and don't look back.

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