1 | Unwanted Attention

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Nyx was never one to wait to get settled in, and by the end of the first week in their new apartment, everything was unpacked and the home was decorated. Furniture was laid out, pictures were hung, appliances were working.

Potted plants sat on the windowsill, with their flowers mid bloom. Leafeon sat on a cushion the teen had bought him, it was laid out where the sun poured into the room from the window. The grass type slept peacefully as his trainer prepared breakfast.

The sizzling of eggs and bacon could be heard, all while the smell of coffee wafted throughout the apartment.

Four other pokémon wandered the living room, all of which were diverse in type and size.

Nyx's second pokémon, Golisopod, a water grass type sat with their third partner, Primarina; a water and fairy type. The two of them were playing with a bubble the latter pokémon made.

Meanwhile, Salazzle; a fire and poison type ran around a low coffee table, crying out in joy and amusement.

Nyx's final partner was in the kitchen with them, following the teen around as they cooked.

"Mimikyu, be careful. I don't want to trip on you." Nyx laughed, looking down at the ghost and fairy type, who just jumped in response to their warning.

Shaking their head, the trainer started setting out bowls and chopping up berries, placing them in their correct food bowls. They then mixed in two cups of pokémon food, and whistled, waving everyone over.

All the pokémon came running, including Leafeon, who had awoken to the smell of fresh berries.

The 15 year old laughed, watching their pokémon surround them. Nyx set down their food bowls gently, careful as to not spill anything. They wouldn't be forgiven if they did.

Quickly and carefully, they stepped over their five best friends and made their way to the stove, plating their eggs and bacon, flipping over some pancakes and watching them cook hungrily.

They waited as patiently as they could, and were rewarded with some fluffy pancakes. Nyx moved the cakes over to their place with their bacon and eggs, placing a square of butter underneath each one, and squirting some whipped cream on top, along with topping them with fresh peaches.

Nyx moved to the table, not nearly as cautiously once they got past the horde of hungry pokémon, all of which were scarfing down their respective breakfasts and talking, based off the sounds of pokémon noises coming from them. They sadly smiled as they set down their plate.

The chatter was definitely welcome.

Nyx shook their head, huffing. She walked back to the counter, grabbing the mug which was half full, the sweetened coffee luckily still warm.

They finally sat at the table, pulling out their phone. They ignored the texts and phone calls, the numerous notifications telling them that they had missed the calls, and the texts were left unanswered. She grimaced, clearing them.

Nyx began to eat her breakfast in peace, choosing not to dwell on the past for the moment, even though in the back of their mind they knew that the regret and guilt would soon come back.

Minutes later, Nyx cleans their small kitchen, her pokémon already having gone back to playing with one another. The sight made them smile as they continued to do their dishes.

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