21 | The Middle

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Nyx woke up to a note from N on the blankets. They read it, he had gone to face Elesa, the Electric type gym leader.

They stand up, stretching and enjoying the feeling of their back cracking. Sighing in content, Nyx rubs the sleep out of their eyes before getting dressed for the day, with Leafeon still asleep on the bed.

Nyx wakes him gently and he hops onto their shoulder. The teen puts their satchel around their body, walking out of their shared room in the Pokémon center, locking it behind them. They slip the keys into a pocket of their bag.

As they walk, they fiddle with the Z-ring on their left wrist, making sure the Grassium Z crystal isnt loose in the engraving of the bracelet. They aren't pay attention when they nearly knock someone over.

"Oh, geez, sorry.. I wasn't looking where I was going.." They apologize, face palming.

Nyx hears Hilda laugh in front of them, and their eyes shoot open. Cheren is the one standing in front of them, shaking his head. His cheeks are flushed.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking, either," the ravenette whispers, glancing exasperatedly in his friend's direction, who's now standing beside him. Hilda greets them before asking where they're off to.

They smile as they watch Leafeon climb onto Cheren's shoulder, the teen standing very still, almost as if he's afraid to scared him off. "I'm heading to the gym. N is there right now."

Nyx ignores Hilda's change in expression, her countenance grim, brows furrowed. Next to her, Cheren briefly gives her a worried glance.

"Nyx, I think there's something you need to know about N..." she trails off, a waver in her voice.

Nyx raises a brow, standing up straighter. "What is it?"

"Well, N.. He's-"

"I'm what?"

Hilda tenses, pausing. Nyx smiles widely, running over to him, past their friends. They reach up and steal his hat, snickering as the green haired man groans.

Hilda quietly sighs. She closes her eyes tightly, biting her lip. Behind her she can hear the two bickering like siblings. She can tell.

They're close. Really close.

And yet, Nyx has no idea how dangerous he is. They don't have a clue.

Cheren is in front of her when she opens her eyes, his hands on her shoulders. "You okay?" he whispers.

Hilda nods. As Nyx bids them goodbye, walking off with N, watching as Cheren waves to them, she can't bring herself to tell them.

She doesn't know what to do.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx walks with N to the Pokémon Center's cafeteria, hand in hand.

He's smiling softly at them, doing his best to ignore the thoughts screaming at him. That was too close, even if they seemed skeptical about anything.

They leave him at a table, going up to order at the counter.

N runs a hand through his hair.

He'll just try his best to keep them happy. For as long as he can.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

short chapter to get me back into writing after months of writers block😭

the middle of the book and game.

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