12 | Congratulations!

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Nyx sits excitedly in the booth, practically bouncing their seat. N is sitting across from them, holding his head up with his arm, his hand covering the smile on his face.

Leafeon sits in Nyx's lap, his tail nearly hitting his trainer's face as it wags back and forth.

They order their food when the waiter comes over with their drinks, Nyx lighting up at their hot chocolate and taking a sip too quickly, burning their tongue. N shakes his head as they whine.

"I told you to be careful."

"I know! But.. it's hot coco!"

N laughs at their justification, closing his eyes. He relaxes fully now. He feels better about leaving them earlier.

"I'm sorry."

Nyx pauses. "What for?"

"Leaving you. I'm sorry."

They shrug, glancing through the window next to them. "It's fine.. wasn't terrible. I saw the girl from the other day.." Nyx trails off, and N tenses.

"Oh.. you did?"

Nyx nods. "I helped her out with something and got her name and phone number. She said she it would be fun to train with me."

N stays silent, nodding slightly. He pulls his hat over his eyes.

"N? You okay?" Nyx asks, voice quiet. This snaps him out of it, and he smiles at them reassuringly.

"Just tired from today, I think. Don't worry, I'm okay."

Nyx smiles at him, and he can clearly see their tiredness as well.

"Makes sense.. Well, let's finish up here and head to the Pokémon Center, okay?"

N hums in agreement, and their food comes. The two of them eat quickly, sharing some with Leafeon, even though he has his own food.

They finish quickly, and pay, leaving the restaurant.

Nyx grabs N's hand, holding it as they walk back, the night sky becoming more visible as the sun sets behind them.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

The two of them get a room in the Pokémon Center, and Nyx walking over to one of the beds and flopping down on, sighing in content satisfaction.

"These beds are nice." They yawn, and N smiles. He nods in agreement, setting their stuff down.

Nyx sits up, digging through their bag and goes to their temporary shared bathroom to get changed, closing the door behind them.

They walk out in their pjs, and lay in bed, yawning. N smiles at them as he goes to change as well. When he walks out, the 15 year old is already asleep, breathing slowly and softly.

He smiles at them, huffing fondly. He pulls their blankets up to their shoulders, and turns off the lights, climbing into bed as well, across the room from them.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx wakes up with a start, tears in their eyes as they kick off all the blankets from their bed. They move away from the wall their bed is next to, climbing out and nearly falling as they do so.

They stand in the middle of the room, even though it does nothing to soothe their claustrophobic feeling.

They stand there trying to calm down, when they hear rustling behind them, and then a few foot steps.

"Nyx.. calm down.. It's okay.."

N says softly, whispering to them. He goes to pull them in for a hug, but they pull away, trying to stay in the middle of the room.

"Nyx..? Fuck... I should have asked. Okay, Nyx. Hey, pay attention." N says, muttering to himself before waving his hand in front of the panicked teen, getting their attention.

"Okay. Do you need to be hugged or do you need space."

N speaks to them calmly, his voice steady and gentle.

They stutter. "Sp..Space. I need space..."

N nods, holding out his hand now. "Okay, we'll go outside, alright? The hallways are smaller, but I will be right there, and then we can go outside.. Is that okay?"

Nyx nods unsurely, taking his hand and holding it tightly. They close their eyes and allow N to lead them through the building.

The moment they enter the hallway, Nyx nearly breaks down even more, almost collapsing as they crack open their eyes.

N catches them and looks at them worriedly.

He curses briefly to himself, and picks them up, carrying them bridal style and runs out of the building as fast as he can.

He's glad Nyx isn't fighting back.

When the fresh air hits their faces, N sets Nyx down and they back away from him and the building, looking up desperately, trying to catch a glimpse of the moon.

N can see their expression clearly now.

Their blue gray eyes are glossy, tears flowing from them like they're waterfalls. Their nose and areas surrounding their eyes are red, and their expression is panicked.

They're trying to get a hold on their breathing, doing a fairly good job, and N let's them be, deciding it's the best course of action.

He closes his eyes when he feels the tears forming.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

They walk back inside, Nyx holding N's hand tightly, their face buried in his shoulder as they walk. They've clung to him ever since they calmed down.

He opens their bedroom door, and leads Nyx over to his bed, motioning for them to get in. They do, and he follows, pulling them to him.

He holds them as they shake their arm around his body, holding him. He feels the fabric of his shirt move when they take a fist full of it, almost as if they're scared of him leaving.

Their cries have stopped, but tears continue to roll down their face. N wipes them gently with his thumb, hushing them and playing with their hair.

They cuddle closer to him, and he allows them, holding them tighter. They drift off back to sleep in his grasp.

"I won't let you go.. I won't. I promise you.." he whispers, sighing.

"But how can I promise then when..."

He looks at them sadly, his guilt again gnawing at him.

He doesn't know what to do.

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