7 | Encounters, Good and Bad.

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The next few weeks pass, and after the incident in Nyx's bedroom, the two trainers have grown closer.

They spend every day together, often alternating between going around Unova, allowing Nyx to explore and learn more about the region and it's history, and going to the abandoned building they met at, taking care of the pokémon there.

Regardless of where they go, they talk for hours, both having made a lot of progress.

N has become more open to physical contact from people, and being around crowded areas, as well as the occasional pokémon battle for fun, since Nyx's pokémon enjoy it.

Nyx has become more open about their feelings, whatever is troubling them, and sharing their ideas. They've allowed N to see parts of themself that they would usually rather have under lockdown.

The two of them currently, however, are sitting on Nyx's couch, the younger nuzzled up on N's chest as he plays with their hair. They watch TV as the sun sets in Accumula town.

They're peaceful, and all is well. Nyx soon falls asleep, and N smiles fondly at them, kissing the top of their head affectionately.

But soon, the world will begin to crumble in a battle of truth and ideals.

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The sun was high in the sky, Accumula town was a bustling more than usual today.

Two teenagers walk into town, the own with black hair dragging his friend into a friendly battle.

As they begin, two individuals step out of the apartment building to their left, and the younger watches the battle with interest.

The other looks at it briefly in disgust, and looks away towards the gathering crowd in the center of town, eyes widening.

He pull his hat down over his eyes, and he drags the younger by the hand to a bench.

"I wonder if they'd like to battle me.." Nyx whispers to themself, watching the two, and their pokémon. They all look like they're having fun.

Unbeknownst to Nyx, N is listening in on the pokémon's voices.

As this proceeds, a large group of people gather around the town square, and Nyx's attention is drawn away as soon as someone's voice booms, greeting the people in Accumula town. The two trainer's battle ends,

"My name is Ghetsis. I am here representing Team Plasma."

Nyx stands suddenly, walking over to the crowd, pushing their way to the front. N stands after them, but fails to follow them.

The fifteen year old stands in the front of the crowd, watching the man's speech with major amounts of skepticism.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about pokémon liberation."

N curses, and he keeps trying to push through the crowd to get to Nyx, but people don't budge. Meanwhile the two battling teens stand behind them.

"I'm sure most of you believe that we humans and pokémon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other. However, is that really the truth? Have we humans only assumed that this is the truth?"

Nyx shakes their head. The two teens behind them glance at each other, and then at the person in front of them.

The girl taps Nyx's shoulder, and they turn to look at them, eyes widening in surprise.

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