25 | His Farewell

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N froze, his eyes widening as he watched Leafeon, who was unconscious, no longer speaking to him, fly over the edge of the platform.

He didn't realize he was yelling until Ghetsis walked over, laughing hysterically, laughing at Nyx's idiotic sacrifice, and then proclaiming to N that he had to focus, that he had almost won. All he needed to do was take Hilda down.

His ears were ringing as he looked to her, his rival, tears running down her face. Ghetsis revived and healed N's pokémon, and they began to battle.

But N's mind, Hilda's mind.

Both of them were elsewhere, even as they began fighting. Still, N spoke.

"What I desire is a world for Pokémon, and Pokémon alone. I will separate Pokémon from people, so Pokémon can regain their original power."

"It's time to settle this once and for all! My determination is absolute! I will prove the value of my beliefs even if it means my Pokémon friends get hurt! Since you've come this far, I believe you are equally determined. If that's so, prove it to me! Show me the depth of your determination!"

"Now, I will create the future I desire! I shall sweep you before me!"

Zekrom now stood across from Reshiram, and the two dragons sent attack after attack hurtling at each other, all at their trainer's command.

Both of them didn't want to be battling, but it was the only thing they could do, even as their friend was falling to their death.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx didn't consider themself to be a risk taker.

Yet here they were, falling. Wind in their face, hair behind them, freezing their ass off.

With an unconscious Leafeon in their arms.

First, they panicked, cursing themself, cursing N, everyone. The entire world.

Then, they prayed. To the moon that by some miracle, they could find a way out of this.

A way out of their inevitable death.

Their bag was pressed against their chest, behind Leafeon, and then they remembered, luckily.

They hadn't meant to lie to Hilda up there, but the Moon wasn't a pokémon they wanted Ghetsis to be aware of.

N, maybe. They didn't care if he saw the Moon. So, they prayed, holding the hall tightly, before letting it go. Their eyes fought to stay open as it flooded with tears. Their back was towards the ground, the dirt approaching rapidly.

As they fell, the ball seemed to fly upwards, before it opened, purple light exiting. Soon, Lunala formed, flying down, faster than they had ever seen the Moon fly, the bat's wings outstretched, ready to take it's Keeper into its protection.

Nyx closed their eyes, trusting the Moon.

Just as they always had.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Hilda wipped the sweat off her forehead, calling Zekrom back to it's ball, watching as N called Reshiram back.

She had won, but at what cost?

Nyx was dead.

She caught her breath, listening as Ghetsis went insane.

"After all of that, do you think you're still worthy of sharing the name Harmonia with me? You good-for-nothing boy!"

She winces.

"To start with, I spurred N into pursuing the truth. The reason we reawakened the legendary Pokémon now was to give MY Team Plasma more power! Power to control the fearful masses! That at least was well done."

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