14 | To Step Into The Light

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N glared at Hilda, who stood across from him.

"I didn't realize you were the friend they were talking about.."

The teen girl's voice was accusatory. "What do you even want with them? They're a capable trainer. I thought you  absolutely despised battling!"

N grits his teeth. "They're different. Their Pokémon, like yours, care about them deeply."

"So what's the difference?!" Hilda yells, and N's eyes narrow.

"I know why they care so much for each other. With you, I don't. I want to figure it out."

He pauses, and his voice is firm, almost booming as he speaks loudly, echoing in the cave.

"It's like a puzzle. I have Nyx figured out, and I care deeply for them. Don't misunderstand that. You, however, I have not."

Hilda stands there, her heart hammering against her chest. "You're so confusing!" She says, exasperated.

N shakes his head. "This battle is over anyway. Now, I'll be leaving. See you soon, Hilda."

He walks away, returning his friend and healing them, before releasing the pokémon.

"Thank you for the favor. You can go now, my friend."

N says, softly, to the pokémon. It nods, hugging his leg before running off back to its home.

"People and Pokémon... can they really live in peace?"

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

Nyx waits patiently for N. They're sitting outside the Pokémon Center, on a bench, watching their pokémon play with some kids at a park right next to the Center.

They watch as N walks up, and they notice his tenseness. They stand up, walking over and hugging him suddenly.

They hug him tightly, burying their face in his chest. He hesitates, but hugs them back as well, his eyes glazing over.

He pulls them closer to him, and hugs them tightly soon, placing a kiss on the top of their head, keeping his head resting on theirs. He plays with their hair, and closes his eyes, holding back the tears of relief.

"I'm so glad you're okay.."

He whispers, and Nyx can hear how watery his voice is. They smile against him, closing their eyes as they nearly begin crying as well.

"I'm glad you're okay, too.."

N looks up, watching Nyx's pokémon play with the children at the park, and he feels himself waver again.

"They.. really love those kids." N says, sweatdropping.

Nyx pulls away, and looks at their team.

"Yeah. They love kids." Nyx laughs, and N nods, staying quiet. He thinks quietly, almost becoming stuck in his head before Nyx tugs on his sleeve.

"How'd your talk go?"

"It was good. We battled." He answers, almost too quickly, and he's glad that Nyx didn't mind.

"Oh? Battled?" Their brows raise in surprise. N nods.

"You don't battle much. It's surprising."

N shrugs. "I guess I just don't want to. I don't see the point."

Nyx smiles. "That makes sense. I have a friend like that back in Alola."

N goes quiet as he freezes, staring at them with wide eyes. They glance away nervously.

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