Chapter 13

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Blood. Lots of it was dropping down creating a reddish puddle. "Shit" was the only word I could press out of my mouth right now as I tried to compress my blood-oozing wound. The soldier was laughing like a maniac. Though it was quickly turned into silence. I turned around and saw an arrow going through his heart. He fell on the ground. Dead. I twirled my head to direction the arrow came from and saw Yoichi holding his bow, tears streaming down his face. Slowly, I fell to my knees. Energy draining. Breathing out heavily. I clasped my mouth with my hand as I spit out blood profusely. I heard then another painful scream. I looked from where it came and saw Crowley with a dark expression slashing humans merciless who stood in his way while approaching me. He then kneeled down and took my fragile body into his arms. "I told you to stay near me"

"I'm sorry. I had to listen to you. I was to careless yet again."

"You know you have still a chance to live"

"Really...", I said weakly. Though I know what he implied to.

"Yes. But you have to accept this fate."

"Fate", I chuckled ironically, "I'm yours then, Crowley."

I then noticed how he rolled his one sleeve up. He then slowly bit his wrist, taking his blood in. He then looked at me, blood dropping down at the side of his lips, for an approval. I just nodded weakly. Unhesitatingly, he leaned in and kissed me passionately. Until now, every night, confusion invaded my mind. Since our first encounter back in Sanguinem, he stirred chaos within me. Tremendous question bothered me later as I grew up to a young woman whether this feeling was love or not. Deep down, I knew I was already changing. I'm feeling things I didn't know I would, and I knew I was becoming someone that I didn't know I would be.

"(y/n)!! Don't do it", I heard Yuu scream at top of his lungs in desperation. I even think I heard Mika's voice. But I ignored them. In the end it was my fate. Even if it means becoming one of them. I then deepened the kiss to Crowley's likes. Butterflies filling my stomach. Feeling the blood entering my mouth, I did something a human would never do on its own will. I drank it. Metallic taste flowed down my throat. He then left my lips, looking at me patiently. As soon as I made contact with his beautiful crimson eyes, my vision became blurred before I completely succumbed to darkness. The last thing I heard, was an animalistic scream and Yuu going berserk.

"So, this was your final decision, my dear (y/n/n)", voiced Amondra. "Yes. And I do not regret it.", I responded confidently.

"I see. It's interesting to assist a half-vampire now. We are going to be unstoppable", she spoke happily with her sparkling golden eyes.

"I totally agree", I hummed.

"He is waiting for you", she said suddenly. Her devilish grin widening. 

"Who?" She just giggled then. Darkness overtook me yet again.

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was laying on a soft bed. Slowly, I sat up and observed the room. It was quite big and yet plane. But you still saw that it was very luxurious. I then heard a door going open and Crowley entering it. A small smile played on my lips. "I see you finally woke up", he said, "I was getting worried if you would wake up at all."

"How come? I mean were I that long unconscious."

"Nah not really. Only for four days."

"Four days?!" He stifled a laugh while approaching me. Sitting down on the edge of my bed he then spoke: "You must be thirsty, (y/n)"

Only now I noticed that I really had a desire to drink something. Or more specifically blood.

Crowley then put his long braid aside. "Come. Take some."

"Is it really okay, taking some blood from you."

"Sure." I was pretty unsure, which went not unnoticed by him. "Don't be shy just take some. It won't hurt. Besides you need to drink blood somehow." I nodded seeing no other solution. I then started crawling out of the bed sheets towards him. I then sat on his lap. My cheeks burning up lightly from this closeness. 'Oh god, this looks really wrong. If somebody comes in, I'm screwed', I thought to myself. I then started slowly to lean in, his smirk going not unnoticed by me, which let me feel now more embarrassed than before. 'Curse him!', I screamed internally. Before I bit him on his neck, I licked him on a spot making him shudder. Teasingly, I repeated this action, before I let my fangs pierce through his skin. 'Now I know where he can get weak.' Gulping his blood, I felt how my energy was returning. But I didn't want to overdo it and so I left his neck. Being now fully satisfied, I blinked in his hypnotic crimson eyes. He then leaned in licking the blood from my face. "Thanks a lot. I am now fully in my spirits." I then stood up allowing him to stand up as well. "You're welcome"

"His blood tasted really nice and sweet", I whispered to myself. "What was that"

"N-nothing. A-and what's with that smirk." He laughed allowing this room to be filled with his beautiful voice. "There is a uniform on the chair for you. When you're finished just come downstairs", he said while leaving me as a blushing mess in the room for some privacy.

I shook my head feeling still slightly embarrassed. Wandering towards the chair I found a vampire uniform there. Gladly taking it, I decided to take a quick shower. As I was finished, I put on my new uniform and left my (y/h/c) hair down. I then looked for the first time on this day at a mirror. Seeing myself, I realised that the new uniform looked actually pretty amazing (author's note: by the way the new uniform is something like the picture above ↑). I then leaned closely to the mirror inspecting my face. My eyes were still (y/e/c) though I had fangs now, which I, to be honest, really liked. And standing out were my pointy ears as well. Finally, being finished I decided to go downstairs. As I closed my door, I was standing in a long hallway. I had to gulp. Becoming very nervous, I walked along the long corridor looking for the stairs that went downstairs. But I got a feeling that the longer I was walking here the more I got lost. "Now if it isn't my dearest (y/n)" My blood ran cold and my breath hitched.

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