Chapter 20

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As I opened my eyes I was stilling hanging in this room. "My dear you're finally awake" My eyes widen 'That voice'. My whole body started to tremble. The madman appeared in front of me. "So are you ready for round two", he asked amusingly. I shook my head vigorously. "No, no" "But come on, wasn't it fun?" He then took the electrocuting stock and turned it on. "No, please, stop" He laughed sadistically, the stock only a few centimetres away from me. "Noooooo!" Screaming, I shot up breathing heavily and sweating lightly. The next thing I knew, I was embraced by someone. "(y/n), this was only a nightmare" Hearing his soothing voice, I put my arms around him. He stroked my back gently calming me down. "I'm sorry, I was late", he spoke. This new side of him shocked me. I never saw him showing any real deep emotions. But here I could hear regret and sadness. I slowly pulled myself away from him. So that I could look into his crimson eyes. A small smile crept on my lips. "You came and that is what counts." I then noticed how thirsty I was. Crowley seeing my reaction made access to his neck and ordered: "Drink. So that your wounds can also heal better and fast" Without any hesitation I pushed him down on the bedsheets and climbed on top of him. "Ehhh~ since when so confident", he stated in amusement. "S-shut up", I stuttered. By now I must have been a blushing mess. And before he could retort anything, I leaned in and bit into his neck while he patted my head in comfort. When I was finished, I pulled away from him. Feeling now satisfied, I thanked him. "By the way", I began still sitting on him, "how did you know that I got caught?" "One of Ferid's soldiers informed me. If I recall correctly his name was Lacus." I smiled genuinely. "He told me everything about what happened. That you have sacrificed for him. But I'm indeed curious on why you did that?" "He is my friend and he helped me out on the battlefield. So, it only sounds fair that I help him out" I paused to take a breath. "Besides, I was a human before and so I knew that they wouldn't kill me instantly." Crowley sighed before criticising: "What bold assumption of you." My gaze fell on my hands, rubbing them gently as I couldn't withstand his intimidating eyes. I knew that he was steamed up in frustration with my action. But I also knew that there was no other way to avoid the casualty. "Still, Crowley, I don't regret it, it was the right choice I did." He huffed in disapproval. "Right choice or not, it nearly led to you being nearly raped before killed." I tightened my jaw. "There is no point in arguing now anymore. How exactly did you find the location where I was kept captive?" "I have my ways" "Uhh~ so mysterious now", I laughed lightly trying to ease the tension between us. I then dared to glance up at his hypnotizing eyes, admiring them, not listening at all what Crowley continued to say. He, of course, noticed that and inquired amusingly: "Are you even liste - "I then cut him off and did something unexpectant. I kissed him. But as quickly as I did it, I pulled away blabbering a "Sorry" and wanted to get up and run out of my room to the other side of the world. But at once I got turned around so that I was lying now beneath him, and he crashed his lips on mine harshly. I smiled into the kiss and deepened it while putting gently one hand on his cheek. It was rough yet passionate. He slowly pulled away allowing me to catch some breath. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Immediately, Crowley stood up and I crawled quickly under my covers. 

Pretty soon Horn accompanied by Chess entered. "Lord Crowley", both greeted simultaneously. Horn, then, saw me. "(y/n), I see you finally have woken up. How are you feeling?" My eyes interlocked with those of the male vampire. "Much better that for sure" "I'm glad then." 

"Lord Crowley, Lord Ferid is coming over to our mansion today to discuss some matters", Chess informed dutifully. "I wonder what these matters are", he stated while being deeply in thought. "Well, then, I will leave her in your care", he said while indicating towards me. Both of them nodded. Before Crowley left the room, he glanced at me with a grin making me blush. And then he was gone. Of course, that went not unnoticed by Chess and Horn. While Chess seemed to look angered, Horn looked pretty happy and held a small genuine smile. Chess then stormed out of the room. Horn sighed and walked to my bed sitting down. "So how long is it going between you?" I choked on my water that I began to nip on earning a laugh from her. "What d-do you mean?", I asked blushing madly. "Between Lord Crowley and you, silly" I sighed, knowing that there was no way of escaping it now. "Well, where should I begin?" Quickly she kicked of her shoes and lied down on her stomach on my bed facing me while grinning. "Tell me everything from beginning. "

- Timeskip -

"Thanks, Horn" "For what?" "For listening, I feel kind of relieved that I could share this with you" "This is what friends are there for. And I'm also happy for you both. I knew already beforehand that there seemed to be something going on between you two. The way he treats you completely different. I can see how he changed as well. In the last centuries I never saw him behave like this. You make him feel alive again." I smiled, thinking about it. Her eyes wandered to my alarm clock. "I should probably go now and serve them, Lord Ferid Bathory must have arrived already", she stated while rolling her eyes, spitting his full name as if it was some sort of curse, which I wouldn't deny for sure. I nodded in understanding and then she left. Not wasting a second I kicked of the blanket and stood up, grabbing my new uniform and went to take a shower (author's note: new uniform should look something like in the picture above ≧◠‿◠≦✌). Later I inspected myself in front of the mirror. My cuts were nearly all gone. My arm was gladly fixed again only yellow and green spots were seen there. Closing the door to my room, I tiptoed through the corridor. Successfully, I managed to sneak out of the mansion. 'I mean the last thing I want is to face Ferid', I thought to myself. Walking now through the streets, I was now searching for my violet-haired friend. And being the lucky girl today I found him pretty fast. "Lacuuuss!", I yelled out catching his attention. "(y/n), you - "But I interrupted him as I hugged him tightly. First Lacus was hesitant but then he returned the hug. I, then, let go of him. "Thanks, Lacus that you told him." "Well, of course I would. I mean I don't want to get killed by him nor Ferid." I bursted out in laugh. "I heard Lord Ferid is currently at your mansion" "Ugh, don't remind me of that asshole." Now it was Lacus who was laughing.

"Lacus you should do your job and not flirt with a girl" A stern voice made it appearance. I turned around and saw another vampire with raven coloured hair. 

"Oh, come on Réne, don't be so stiff", Lacus whined. "By the way that's Réne Simm. He works as a city guard here as well." 

"Nice to meet you then. I'm (y/-"

"I know who you are. I heard Lord Ferid mentioning you as he was talking with Mikaela", he interupted me in a monotonous voice.  

"Oh, I see", I uttered, not knowing what else to say. Besides, he didn't seem in the mood to converse with me as well. 'Rude', I pouted internally.

"(y/n) what brings you here." Now that voice I knew, I turned around and saw Mika standing there. 

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