Chapter 27

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"Mikaaa!", I yelled out as I saw him standing at the palace gates. "(y/n) what brings you here", he asked, surprised to see me. "Well, Krul wants to see me. By the way, could you show me the way, you don't seem to be occupied right now", I asked him cheekily, sticking out my tongue. Mika scoffed, but nevertheless agreed. 

"Do you know why the queen wants to see you?", Mika asked me out of the blue. I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about it before shaking my head. "Whatever it is I am sure you will be fine. Just try not to provoke her", he explained to me. I rolled my eyes. "It's not like I planned it to begin with", I mumbled grumpily. Mika chuckled lightly. 

After some more minutes we have finally arrived at the throne hall. "Mika, I see you've brought my guest with you", a childish voice boomed through the throne room. She looked like a small kid. She had long pinkish hair tied into two pigtails and she wore an expensive black dress. At first glance she looks childish, but her eyes tell a completely different story. You definitely shouldn't push her buttons. Apparently, she must have noticed how I was observing her, because the next thing I hear is a small snicker. "Oh yes how rude of me. Let me introduce myself. I'm Krul Tepes, Third Progenitor and the Queen of Japan." 'What! This is the queen', I screamed internally out of shock. But, nevertheless, I made a small bow to her. She grinned; her eyes hold something dangerous. I gulped nervously. "Now may I ask what your name is?", she asked demandingly. "(y/n). (y/n) Hyakuya." Her eyes went slightly wide. "Ehhh~ Mika, why did you never introduce your beloved sister to me", she huffed. Mika remained quiet. "May I speak freely and ask why the queen asked for my audience. By now, whoever told you about me, you are fully aware about everything ", I dared to ask back. Her eyes narrowed and she stood up from her throne abruptly, walking down the stairs slowly. "Smart, I see. Indeed, I'm actually fully aware about who you are and what you did. But I never knew that one of our progenitors would take you in without informing me first. So, I wanted to see it myself what is there so special about you that he kept hiding your identity. Perhaps he has some hidden motives or is already plotting something." 'What the heck? What on earth should he be plotting about regarding me.' I looked at the queen dumbfounded. "Your Highness I think you misunderstood his motives", I voiced in a serious tone. Seeing that I piqued her full interest, I continued: "He didn't hide me because I'm special in some way. I'm not some secretive weapon from J.I.D.A, and he surely didn't plot something against you. He only kept me from public's eye, because... because I'm weak and above that a troublemaker. I am sure he would tell you about my existence eventually. Besides I'm deeply in his debt." As soon as I finished her small figure was standing in front of me. A small smile appeared on her lips. "So loyal and honest", she stated. I narrowed my eyes. 'Is she testing me right now?' She smirked as if she could read my mind. "I like you. Don't worry I won't do anything, you're now a part of our vampire society. Besides, Mika, my boy, wouldn't like it if I would kill you or bend even a hair strain of yours." She shot Mika a toothy grin, making him roll his eyes.

After everything was cleared, I was allowed to leave. Sadly, Mika had to stay behind so I had to walk back on my own like some lost puppy. Unfortunately, I got lost in this damn palace. I groaned frustrated. "Are we lost, sweety?" I turned around and saw Lacus approaching me. "Lacus", I exclaimed happily. "Had a lovely chat with the queen", he inquired. "Don't ask. I am glad it's over" He pressed his lips into a thin line trying to suppress his chuckle. "Lacus, can you show me the way out of here, I kinda got lost" This was a key signal for him as he couldn't hold it in any longer and bursted into a laugh. "That's not funny at all", I screamed at him, pouting, making him even laugh louder at me. "You are already for such a long time here, and you still can't memorise your way around here. I am thinking about to get you a map", he teased with a mocking tone. I grinned darkly. "No, need for that when I got you for it", I retorted him in the same manner. A nervous laugh escaped him and I gave him the sweetest smile in return.

At the end he showed me the way out. We said our goodbyes, and I broke into a sprint back to my mansion. At the time I arrived back, it was dark already. Before I went to report, I decided to go to my room first. Upon arriving there, I took a glass out and poured some fresh blood in it, drinking it instantly. I put my hand on my stomach smiling serenely. "I should tell him later", I told myself openly. 

Exiting my room, I made my way to his office. Now every step I came nearer, my stomach became fluttery, my breathing became quick, heck, even my dead heart was racing. After another few turns, I was standing in front of the doors, I cleared my voice and with shaky hands I knocked lightly on the door. A 'Come in' was heard. 'Okay, it's now or never' I cracked open the door and entered it. Crowley waved me with a smile, before his gaze returned to his papers. Quickly, I closed the door behind me. "So, what did Krul want for you?", he asked me interested. "Well, basically, she wanted to know who I am. But she was a bit irritated at the beginning, because she fought you were hiding me for some purpose to go against her or something. But I have clarified everything to her", I explained him calmly. "Oh mine, she didn't have to exaggerate to that extent", Crowley sweat-dropped while commenting. I smiled humorously. My hands became sweaty, and I began fidgeting with them. Seemingly, Crowley has noticed my sudden change of behaviour as he asked me: "(y/n), is there something wrong? Did you cause some trouble again?" By the last part a soft chuckle erupted from him. 

"Well, Crowley, there's something I need to tell you", I declared nervously. He put his papers down on his table. "Trouble?", he asked me again his gaze observing me now. I shook my head, knowing that I would be not capable of vocalizing a word. "Then what is it? Don't keep it inside", he continued, confusion now all written around his face as he leaned back on his chair. I breathed in one more time, and spilled out the information that I was keeping in: "I-I'm pregnant..." His crimson eyes went wide.

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